Now you can receive a flood of traffic at the flip of a switch!

Learn how to plan, generate and create traffic mayhem with a powerful video guide that shows you exactly how to edit, upload video, use keywords, captions and secret video marketing techniques to get your videos ranked in Google!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Do you know the things you must avoid that can prevent your YouTube videos from getting ranked?

Do you know exactly what steps to take to get thousands of people viewing your products and services daily?

Do you know the expensive mistakes that most people make when doing video marketing?

If not, you will soon.

You’re also about to learn many things about video marketing that you’ve probably never even thought of!

Thanks to a brand new, breakthrough 10 step video guide that “spills the beans” about exactly what it takes to market your videos through YouTube, you’ll save hours of frustration and know exactly what you need to do — from keyword marketing, LSI keyword research, editing and uploading, transcribing, adding captions, taking advantage of social signals and increasing likes and traffic, and much, much more.

You’ll learn it all, from A-to-Z!

You’ll quickly discover some of the best video marketing ideas, concepts and techniques used today, that are guaranteed to have you generating more money from products and services you promote.

You know, when you are privy to the same strategies and techniques that other video marketers are using to create videos that go viral overnight, you’ll see an immediate change in your ability to earn an income online. Instead of fighting your way to the top of Google over months and months of struggling, you will know exactly what to give Google in order to get ranked in a matter of days.

Think about what this could mean to you.

Well, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online, but if you want to know how to get targeted video traffic - then video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get set up fast.

Video marketing is also one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to YouTube in the hopes that it will get a ranked on YouTube and on Google then you won’t be as effective.

Want to know how the experts do it?

Thanks to the all-new, step-by-step video marketing course, you’ll learn everything you need to know and do, down to the very last detail, in order to pull off what most find impossible.

As soon as you watch these 10 videos, you’ll be ready to start making decisions on what products and services are in desperate need of traffic. Forget about trying to mess with finding tips on the internet for how to boost video views or increase your Google rankings. Now you can save hours of your time by knowing exactly what you need to do with no question or concern left unanswered.

You’ll learn why and how YouTube ranks videos by keywords, how to take advantage of little-known LSI keywords, render videos according to YouTube standards, upload and edit, optimize your videos for the search engine and increase visibility through social signals.

You’ll learn all the dos and don’ts of video marketing so that Google gives you special treatment over millions of other videos.

You see, owns, so one of the keys is this… If you can get a video ranked on YouTube, then that will improve your rankings on Google as well!

Now this is important...

Before you create your video it’s CRITICAL that you watch this video series to better understand how to properly embed keyword phrases that will help your videos rank better on the search engines by better optimizing them.

I mean think about it - in order for a search engine, or in other words a robot to understand what your video is really about, it has to look at the words that are used and compare them to its database to figure out what your video is actually all about.  And that's Google.

This is not a walk in the park!

They don't have human beings that take a look at your video to figure out what it's all about; instead, they have super smart software that does it all itself.

So that brings us to keyword research as well as LSI keyword research.

How do you find the right keywords?

Or more specifically, how do you find keywords that people are actually typing into Google?

Well the biggest mistake that you could make is to jump on a keyword that you think will work. However, in reality that specific keyword may not be getting traffic or worse it might be getting traffic but the people that are typing that in are looking for free stuff, so they're not really looking to take action or buy a product.

After you've created your video and done the proper keyword research… how do you get it uploaded to YouTube and begin increasing its rank against other keyword phrases?

Fact is, you're not the only one out there who is trying to rank on a specific keyword phrase - there are other competitors.

That brings us to social signals. If you're not aware of what social signals are they are basically a measure that Google and YouTube looks at to see how many social backlinks you have. Or in other words, how many people are talking about you.

So the more targeted social backlinks you have that are real, the better.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

How would you like to learn how to do everything above and more?

Tube Traffic Mayhem

For 60 days (or as long as you need) this video course will take you through my unique system for generating massive amounts of targeted traffic, increasing rankings and selling more products and services using YouTube videos. If you put in the effort to do the steps laid out in the 10 videos, it’s my goal that you will have more traffic, more rankings and more sales in as little as 60 days.

Bottom line — you do it the right way with me just one time and then over and over again you can upload videos that instantly gain attention from your target market and from Google. This all means more money in your pocket, faster and easier than before.

Just imagine having videos that continue sucking in targeted traffic day after day for years and years. If you put in the effort — I guarantee you will get there.

Think about waking up every morning and seeing more views, higher rankings and more sales. While you were sleeping, YouTube was pushing your videos further and further up, Google was ranking them higher and more people were seeing your sales messages —automatically.

It literally is like having your own money making machine that you setup one time and it works for you time and time again.

Here’s what you will discover inside this 10 Part video series:

Tube Traffic MayhemIn this specific video I am going to give you a quick overview of how this YouTube video marketing system works.

You're also going to be shown how it all works, and what you will need to get started. I'll also cover all the videos that are inside this video series so that you understand exactly what to expect so that you will be able to implement everything faster and easier.


Tube Traffic MayhemEver wonder why that when you upload a video to YouTube, the quality is not as good? Or maybe you've never uploaded a video to YouTube and you would like to know how to do this?

The secret here is to make sure that your video, when rendered or exported by the video editing software, complies with YouTube video standards. So in this specific video I will be covering how to render your video so that it will be clear quality video and great quality audio.

Tube Traffic Mayhem

Before you put your video on YouTube, you want to make sure that you do the proper keyword market research. This way you’ll have a great idea of which specific keywords or keyword phrases are getting good traffic, because the worst-case scenario is that you use a keyword that you think is getting traffic but in reality is not. Or worse, the visitors that are typing this keyword aren't necessarily looking to either take action or buy a product in the end. I will help you figure out which specific keyword to use.

Tube Traffic MayhemOnce you find your main keyword that you want to rank for when using YouTube videos, we want to do a deeper keyword research - in this case called Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI keywords for short.

If you're not familiar with what this is: this is basically a system that Google and other search engines use to figure out what your content is all about. In this case this will help the search engines figure out what your video is all about.

In short what this does is if say for example your main keyword is about golden retriever puppy training, it will compare the keywords against similar keywords in the Google database to figure out if your video or other content is really about golden retriever puppy training.

Once you have found your LSI keywords, you want to make sure that they are within your video.

Tube Traffic Mayhem

In this specific video I am going to show you how to edit a video file itself so that it is more Search Engine Optimized and YouTube ready. I'm also going to show you how to upload a video to YouTube as well.

If you've never used YouTube as a marketing tool to generate traffic to your website and just need the confidence booster to get you going, then watch this to help you get the ball rolling!

Tube Traffic Mayhem
While your video is being uploaded to YouTube and being rendered into their own format, I will show you how to properly edit the title, the description, and the tags using your LSI keywords. As little as they seem, these details along with the video content you upload are what matter the most. Imagine spending hours creating a video only to find that no one can see it because you entered a title that you thought was great but didn't match what people were typing!

Tube Traffic Mayhem

One way to improve your video rankings is by transcribing your video’s audio and adding that to the captions option that YouTube allows. So in this specific video I'm going to show you where to find a good transcriber that will properly transcribe your video file at a very cheap rate.

Master this and you'll have an unfair advantage from every other marketing out there who are unknownly uploading videos!

Tube Traffic Mayhem

Once you get the transcription of your video file, it is now time to add it to the YouTube system.

In this specific video I'm going to show you how to add the transcript to the captions option and properly optimize your video to make it more search engine friendly.

Just imagine how much more accessible your videos will be to the search engines and viewers! Don't overlook this step!

Tube Traffic Mayhem

Now that your video is on YouTube, it is time to create backlinks. Nowadays social backlinks are more powerful than ever. Therefore, in this video I am going to show you how to utilize social signals or social backlinking to boost the ranking of your YouTube video.

You'll learn how to 'batch' your backlinks to simulate natural activity, how often you should be creating backlinks what outsourcing, how to build a linking system that builds and builds over time plus so much more!

Tube Traffic Mayhem

Let's take social signals and social backlinking one step further. In this specific video I'm going to show you how to increase your YouTube likes and traffic in such a manner that it will improve your search engine ranking.

We'll use effective outsourcing methods to increase our YouTube likes, views and favourites to simulate naturally activity and get the search engine's attention!



Literally this is the closest thing to watching over my shoulder and sitting next to me at my computer. You’ll get 10 full-length videos that you can download instantly on to your PC, Mac or Tablet. You’ll see first-hand exactly how I research, plan, edit, upload, tag and increase my visibility through social media and video marketing techniques.

Click the play button below to watch a sample
video to help you get started!

tick How to automatically attract Google and YouTube’s attention using this one simple video marketing technique

tick The latest proven strategies to increased traffic, higher rankings and more sales using YouTube videos

tick The #1 biggest mistake made by newbies and even savvy entrepreneurs using keyword research

tick How anybody (even a complete novice) can receive thousands upon thousands of views and likes on videos within a matter of days

tick The one and only secret you need to become super-successful on YouTube

tick Why your keyword research could be causing your untold problems with ranking on Google and the surest way to make it to the #1 page for your chosen market

tick My video marketing “trump card” for getting Google to rank your videos above millions of others

tick The most violated video marketing lessons and why you should not overlookthis keyword research, editing, tagging, social signals and caption strategies

tick How to get VIP treatment from Google and YouTube whenever you upload a new video

tick Surprising new ways to profit from YouTube videos!

tickAnd much more…

tick NEVER again spend days, weeks even months performing tiresome SEO techniques on your website pages, trying to naturally rank them and hope Google will be kind and send you a bit of traffic.

tick NEVER again guess at Google’s ranking algorithms, as this doesn’t use any black-hat methods that they shun. It works with them, and gives them EXACTLY what they love while giving people EXACTLY what they want.

tick NEVER again try to figure out what you need to tweak, change or do on YouTube in order for them to favour your videos over millions of others. There is a science to this and I have honed it down to a fine art that works every time with any video.

tick NEVER again struggle to promote products and services online, as this course is designed to show you the latest approach to winning big on YouTube, gaining Google’s approval and making more money faster than ever before.

tick NEVER again make the embarrassing mistakes that entrepreneurs everywhere are making with video marketing, as this reveals the quickest, easiest and most effective ways to CRUSH IT online.

Okay that’s just about as good as it gets. Now the only thing I can do to make this offer even better for you is to give you a rock-solid guarantee.

With everything you are getting here, I can confidently tell you I’ve done 99% of the hard work for you. I’ve tried to think of everything you need to shatter any excuses or roadblocks you have standing in your way. But in case you’re still a little bit unsure you’re protected by my amazing guarantee…


Your Purchase Is Backed By A 100% ‘NO Like No Buy’ Satisfaction Guarantee!

You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Our training videos were created for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.

When you invest in this course today you're backed by a ‘No Like No Buy’ guarantee. If you feel that these videos did not help you in anyway then send us an email requesting for a full and prompt refund.

How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


If you are considering using this course and rehashing it for some other method other than putting it to work for you own business – let me spare you an enormous amount of grief, headaches and expenses – don’t buy it.

However, if you are the type of person who is willing to work, put in the time and follow the proven strategies laid out in these videos, and are willing to allow someone who has “been there and done that” to actually show you the ropes —then this is an amazing opportunity you shouldn’t pass on.

If that’s you, then you deserve to see for yourself and take action now

Don’t take this lightly and allow this to slip through your fingers. If you really want to sell more products and services without resorting to gruelling seo practices that require months, even years of work — then this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Tube Traffic Mayhem

Go ahead, click the order button now to get your copy!

The techniques shared in this course could directly affect your finances and life forever and helps you finally start making the money you deserve.  Just place your order below. It’s safe, secure and gives you access instantly to the product.

Don’t wait around thinking about it. You will kick yourself later when I raise the price on this (I’ve done it before) and you are left on the sidelines. Get in on this now!

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Tube Traffic Mayhem

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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