Do you feel as though your business is out of control and that you're always relying on someone to help you?...

“Grab Your NEW Online Business By The Wheel And Steer It In The Right Direction Without Ever Getting Yourself Stuck On The Basic Tasks Again!”

...Watch over my shoulder as I show you how to accomplish basic marketer & webmaster tasks so you'll NEVER need to rely on someone else again!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

If you want your own dot com website, your own PDF and video products, your own auto-responder, and even your own Warrior Special Offers... but have serious difficulty getting started and knowing where to go and who to turn to then look no further!

Unless you FINALLY learn these skills that I'm about to show you, you'll NEVER get your business off the ground - unless you're made of money and have VERY deep pockets to have someone help you out.

Unfortunately, not everyone has deep pockets and that's probably the main reasons why you came online to start a business in the first place! :)

Besides... You can't depend on hiring someone to do all the work for you all the time because you're always putting your business in someone elses's hands. If they don't feel like doing something, your business is at a halt. If they do a job sloppily, then you're at fault. If they didn't set something up right because they're lazy (knowing that it's not their business) then you get the blame from your customers (and refund requests if it gets bad!)

At Some Point Or Another, You're Going To Have To Learn Some Basic Technical Skills... It's Really Not That Hard!

Why not start now?

I've been online long enough to show you how to do the most simplest tasks. I've had my fair share uploading, file management, designing, list-creation, list-building, cPanel usage and much more... and I'm glad to say that you won't have to go through the same hassles I've gone through!

I've put together a short but concise 17 part video course that willl show you everything you need to know to get over that technical hurdle that's currently stopping you from getting any further!

I've made this training as painless as possible.

The good news is you can learn this stuff just once then use it for the rest of your career.

Introducing Tech Challenge SOS!...

Within 1 hour you're going to be an expert in the following areas of your business...

How to find great ideas for domain names

• In this 3:25 video, learn how to find and purchase a great domain name. Getting a catchy and rememberable domain name that gets listed in the search engines is essential if you want to get noticed online!

• With the techniques shown here you won't need to worry if you domain name is already taken! We'll show you how to find out quickly!

• You'll discover some powerful tool to help you find a great domain name.

• Discover how to create a completely custom domain name that you, and only you, own.


How to register a domain name

• In this 4:56 video, we'll walk you through the step registering a domain name for your own website.

• Some hosting companies will sell you more things along the way - do you really need them? Learn which up-sells to purchase and which ones to stay away from.

• Find out which features are a must when buying your domain name.

• Discover how to save money when purchasing your domain name.


How to set the nameservers for your new domain

• In this 5:20 video, we'll show you a great service that offers cheap hosting and robust services.

• Learn how to purchase a hosting account from a reputable provider.

• Find out how to pick the plan that best fits your needs and proceed to order. There's so many to choose from nowadays that it can just get all too confusing!

• Follow the easy steps to set up hosting for your domain while paying almost nothing.


How to get a hosting account for only $0.01!

• In this 5:00 video, you'll be shown how to connect your new domain name to your web hosting provider and see what it takes to set the proper namservers.

• Changing your namservers is an easy process and is often a massive stumbling block for beginners. Don't let this step put you off!

• Learn to sync your domain name and your hosting site so your website can now accept traffic.


How to navigate your way around Cpanel

• In this 7:04 video, you'll learn how to navigate your way through cPanel for the first time.

• Discover what the cPanel is, why you will almost certainly need to come back to it every time you need to do some sort of maintenance.

• Watch us go through the set up wizard so you'll know what to do. The interface is easy to learn and simple to use.


How to upload files via Cpanel

• In this 5:20 video, we'll show you how to upload files to your website through the file manager in cPanel.

• Without any files uploaded, your website will be nothing but a blank page!

• We'll show you how to quickly and easily uploaded with the easy to use cPanel file manager so you'll have the foundations laid out to building your own websites.


How check your stats in Cpanel

• In this 3:28 video, we'll show you how to check your websites statistics in cPanel.

• See how much traffic you are receiving and where the traffic is coming from. This is great if you're investing time and money into promoting your website and want to know what method of yours is working best!

• Check your logs frequently to stay aware of how much traffic your website is getting and which pages are being viewed the most! This is great if to know which page your visitors prefer, or if your site is designed for good navigation!


How to upload files with a FREE FTP program

• Following on from the previous video you'll now learn how to upload files using FTP in this 4:56 minute video.

• You'll learn how to utilize third-party software to quickly upload files.

• You'll discover the best way to uploading multiple files to your hosting account.

• You'll learn how to minimize time spent setting up your site and maximize time spent earning money from your website.


How to create a PDF with FREE software

• If you want to create your own downloadable PDF reports or eBooks then this 7:12 video is essential!

• Learn how to create a PDF, what they are, and why you should use them.

• Discover why PDF is a versatile file format that can be used by both major operating systems.

• Find out how to create a PDF for free without shelling out money for paid software.

• Learn the tricks to creating a professional PDF that doesn't look like it's been done by an amateur!


How to record your screen using free software

• In this 6:14 video, we'll show you how to record on-screen for posting videos to your website.

• Most screen capture software is expensive to buy, find out what the free alternative is so you can save a small fortune!

• Having the capability to record your screen adds many possibilities to what type of content you can post to your website.

• Discover how to host your video for free and embed it into your website so it's always online and independent of your website!


How to create a YouTube account

• In this 4:05 video, we'll get your acquainted with the simple process of creating a YouTube account.

• YouTube offers an enormous amount of exposure to your new website and entitles you to many great features which we'll walk you through..

• We'll show you a quick little trick to getting viewers from YouTube to your website!


How to upload a video to YouTube

• In this quick 5:55 video you'll learn how to upload a video to your YouTube account. This can difficult if you're never done it before and can be costly if you're getting fresh viewers but not optimizing your settings!

• We'll show you how to include links that direct viewers to your website without getting your video taken down for being classed as spam!

• You'll learn the best practicies for writing a description, and adding keywords to attract as many viewers as possible.

• Upload your own unique content to YouTube and then imbed your content onto your website.


How to create a list inside of aweber

• In this 6:43 video, we'll show you how Aweber can help you streamline your email response with its auto-responder.

• We'll walk you through the steps needed to creating and managing your lists for you auto-responder.

• Find out why auto-responders help remove some of the work you would otherwise have to do and increase the quality of your customer service.

• See how to add profitable signatures and social networking sites to your lists to further automate your process.

• Discover what you need to be checking before you send out broadcast emails so you'll look like an experienced pro!


How to create a followup message in Aweber

• In this 7:20 video, you will learn how to create web forms to gather information from anyone visiting your website. This is an essential step if you want to gather new leads and get them into your auto-responder account!

• Learn how to create web forms within your Aweber account for anyone interested in what you are offering to fill out.

• Find out how to fully customize the appearance and content of your form based on your needs and niche. The safer your visitor feels about signing up to you, the higher your conversions, and the more profit you will make in the long term!

• Discover why when making a web form, to not over complicate it and why you must keep the amount of info fields to a minimum.

How to do a broadcast message in Aweber

• In this 8:02 video, find out how to create a follow up message and a broadcast message to all your subscribers.

• Follow up messages keep your website and niche fresh in your subscribers mind.

• Utilize follow up and broadcast messages, but do not overuse them and become another spammer.

• Include useful links to your website and product in your follow up messages and broadcast messages.


How to create a WSO

• In this 8:29 video, we'll show you how to create a Warrior Special Offer on the Warrior Forums to increase traffic and exposure to your product! This is a powerful technique in itself and you could can be sending not only 100s of visitors to your website every day, but buyers as well!

• Find out what you need to do before you can create a WSO and why it's important to already be a forum member with good standing with the community.

• See why WSOs can be very successful in helping you sell many, many units of your product.


How to create a listing with WSO Pro

• In this 8:32 video, we'll show you the powerful benefits of using WSO Pro to list and manage all of your WSO listings - don't miss this as is can be make the difference between success and failure with your WSOs!

• See why WSO Pro takes the headache out of making money with WSO listings and keeps everything organized and in control for you.

• Find out how to manage every detail of your listing with one simple program. We'll walk you through the important features.

• See why you need to include as many keywords as you can with your WSO Pro listing as well as an accurate description of what you are offering to achieve the best results!


Watch A Sample Video NOW to Get Started!


There's just so much to learn and so much we can help you with this Tech Challenge SOS! Finally eliminate all those techie problems that are just slowing you down and adding weight to your shoulders! It's time to kick-start your business. It's time to make money - just like you intended!

just think what might happen if you left this page now and decided to do everything yourself... from scratch?!

Do you really want to spend another hour watching a badly done YouTube video on how to upload a file to your server?...

Do you really want to go through your server's FAQ section just to find a quick and simple answer to something that no one seems to be asking?...

Do you really want to buy another little 'how to' eBook that has frustratingly slow loading blurry images when you could just watch and SEE how it's done?...

I really hope not!

I've been there and done that... so much time passes you by and you think where did all your days go! And then you forget that you're online to MAKE MONEY - not to piece together lots of information on how to start an online business!

Don't be stuck ripping your hair out everyday because you can't operate your own website!...

Don't bash away at the keyword and mouse thinking how on earth to create a PDF, or record on-screen videos!...

Don't be embarrassed when you make your first sale and then realize that you didn't setup your payment button correctly and it's sending your customers somewhere else!

No One's Born With Technical Skills... HOWEVER, with Tech Challenge SOS, you can aquire the skills you need quickly!

If you think you're not worth a lick when it comes to technical stuff, that's ok. Why?... Because I was in your shoes once too.

I avoided anything technical because I always thought of myself as a non-technical person.

But when I finally came to the conclusion that I can't survive online without these skills, I decided to learn them... and you know what? It's not so bad!

If You Ever Plan On Becoming A Professional Internet Marketer, Then You Need To Master These Skills!

Unless you have an unlimited budget to spend on a full-time employee to do it for you, you MUST do it yourself.

Guess what? It's not that hard at all.

You'll use these skills every day for the rest of your career and after you do them a few times they'll become second nature to you.


Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make money on the internet! If you're serious about setting up your own business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business without the knowledge found in Tech Challenge SOS - just ask the pros (that's if they're not too busy to answer you because they're busy making money using the same system!)

DO NOT start buying loads of 'how to make money' eBooks online. A lot of them talk fluff and don't give you the full picture. Plus it's harder to understand something read than it is to see someone actually performed and done on video!

Learn to walk before you run and start with the basics. Grab your copy of Tech Challenge SOS now whist it's still fresh in your mind!


Get Started Today! You Can Be Watching Tech Challenge SOS In Less Than 90 Seconds From Now!

That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later.. You can start watching these videos instantly!

This new breakthrough book is a guide, really. A guide as a result of years of HARD work, trial and error, tweaking and refinement... all of which I'm sure you don't want to go through yourself!

This is truly a one-of-a-kind course that CANNOT and WILL NOT be found offline because it's NOT something marketed to the 'masses', rather just quietly available in the corner for those that want to take advantage of it!

I urge you to click the link below and place your secure order... but before you do please read my iron-clad guarantee...


Don't Forget You're Fully Backed By An Unconditional 60 Day ‘Love It Or Delete It’ Money Back Guarantee!

You're also protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee so that even if you're not fully satisfied with the quality of the information or the product you will be refunded 100%.

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You see whether or not you've bought anything online, or read similar books on this subject, we're so confident that we will be delivering something new and fresh to you that would be otherwise be impossible to get anywhere else!

Our guarantee is our word and if you're not completely satisfied you don't pay us a penny. Think of it as a 'try before you buy' test drive!

Make Full Use Of Your Knowledge Right Away And Get A Real Look At What You're Getting!

The price I’m charging for this video course is minimal when you consider the fact that you can use these strategies to build a new source of income for yourself for life! Is that something worth trading?

Remember that if you fail to take action today, things will not get better… at least not immediately. So make sure you take action and get a copy of this course right away!

Here's How To Order In 3 Easy Steps!

1. Click on the Buy Now button below to proceed to checkout. Simply enter your details as you normally would when buying anything online. Our servers use 128bit SSL data encryption so you can rest assured you're purchasing with maximum online data protection.

2. Click on the 'Complete Your Order' button after payment. This will take you straight through to our secure thank page. We'll confirm the details of your purchase and you can sign in and enter the members area!

3. Access and watch! It couldn't be easier! You'll have instant access to the course straight after payment even if it's 3:00am in the morning. That's the beauty of the internet, always on, always there! And should you need any further assistance, we always online to help.

So go ahead, proceed to the form below, agree and understand the terms and order in complete confidence and we'll see you on the inside!


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 YES Eric! Give me instant access to Tech Challenge SOS right now! I want to make a start on my online business or improve on what I've already done and I know that this video course is just what I've been looking for!

 YES Eric! I understand that this course IS NOT and WILL NOT be available to the masses. I understand that Tech Challenge SOS was created for smart people like me who want to cash in on the online world without everyone having knowing about it!

 YES Eric! Finally I understand that I'm completely backed by a 60-day 'love it or hate it' guarantee! If I any problems with this course whatsoever I simply contact you for a full and prompt refund - no questions asked. This gives my plenty of time to apply the tips tricks and strategies shown in Tech Challenge SOS so I can see for myself how well this works and what a great investment I've made today!

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Tech Challenge SOS

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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