Elite Video Series Reveals Top Trade Secrets That Gurus Use To Create Powerful, Smart Video Sales Letters That Convert Like Crazy!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Let's face it. If you're not using videos in your online marketing then you're seriously missing out on a lot of sales, leads and even free traffic.

But there's one problem that many face...

There are so many things that can go wrong... from your headline to your graphics to your bullet points and so much more.

It’s no wonder a lot of products seem to convert so terribly! This is especially true when people who have no experience with writing sales copy try to write their own.

Most people are content to just be a sales letter 'zombie'. They look at their dismal sales and shrug and say, “I guess people don’t like my product.”

This kind of complacency is a real killer in business. If you’re content to wonder why your product isn’t selling, then you’re already doomed to fail. Don’t let this be you!

It’s time to wake up to the world of video sales letters, the latest (and greatest) trend in sales pages!

Video sales letters often convert several times better than standard sales letters, even if you use the same basic sales copy and techniques!

Why? Because it’s a lot more personal when people can hear your voice and maybe even see your face. And there are other reasons. Even if you don’t want to appear on camera, just hearing a voice actor can make a huge difference.

It’s no wonder that these sales letters are so popular, because they can convert many, many times better than traditional sales letters.

And there’s a lot of reasons for that:

Video truly converts, and if you’re not using video sales letters, you are missing out on potential sales.

According to the Online Publishers Association and Adweek, online video has become a powerhouse to boost sales. These statistics illustrate just how influential video can be:

"From the people that have viewed sales videos promoting a product or service, over half will take some sort of action after viewing a video…including 12% who will actually buy the product being offered. To put this into perspective, typically only .5% to 2% of visitors to a “textonly” web site will end up purchasing a product."

With markets across the board moving more towards video, video sales letters have become extremely useful in helping companies increase their bottom lines.

During the last 10 years, however, more and more people have seen video sales letters, driving the need for constant evolution and change.

In order to stay ahead of the game and your competition, you need to make sure that you stay up-to-date on the newest technology and utilize it to make your video sales letter stand out!

Thus we would like to introduce you to the hybrid, or smart, video sales letter. This type of strategy will allow you to take different products and services, and use their different technologies to increase your sales conversions across the board!

In this video, you'll learn how to use what we call a “hybrid video sales letter” to sell your products and services.

You will also learn why we do not recommend using the standard video or text-only sales letter, and how we use a new strategy to increase sales conversions.


Big mistake that many people make when creating sales letters is jumping into writing them before understanding their target audience.

In this video, I will show you what tools you can use to figure out who your audience really is. If you know who you’re writing to, it will make the process of crafting your sales pitch much easier than trying to sell to a general audience.

This means you’ll connect better with each potential customer, and your conversion rate will be much higher!

Part of writing an effecting sales letter is figuring out your audience's pain and problems.

What problems do they face, and how does your product or service solve that problem?

By digging deep into that pain, you will be able to directly sell to your audience and make them believe that they need what you’re offering.

By applying the brainstorming strategy detailed in this video, you will be able to quickly create an effective salesletter when we begin actually piecing things together.


Besides understanding your audience’s pain, you need to figure out the main reason why many of them do not buy.

Completing this step will allow you to list these reasons in your sales letter and speak directly to the customer considering them.

In this video, we will cover some of the most common reasons for objection and resistance so that you can safely apply them later on.

There are two parts to the hybrid video sales letter. The first part is, of course, to write out the sales letter. The second part is applying technology to what has been written, and then inserting other types of technology into the sales letter itself.

In Modules 5, 6, and 7, we will be covering this formula. By the end, you should be able to write your video sales letter quickly because most of the work will already have been done in the previous videos.


These are two very common questions that people are going to ask as they watch your video sales letter.

Your prospects ultimately want to know why they should purchase from you. Thus, you will need to show them the exact reasons why your product or service is beneficial to them.

In other words, what is the end result for them? What will they gain? In addition, they will also want to know why they should believe you in relation to your credentials – something you can back up with social proof. We’ll cover exactly how to do that in this video.


At this point in the video sales letter, it's time to make your offer, give your pitch, and get your audience to take action.

So in this video, we will be covering six different points that are crucial to closing the sale and getting people to ultimately either buy your product or service, or take whatever action you're trying to get them to take.

In order to complete the hybrid video sales letter, it's critical that you finish the series with Modules 8 and 9.

These videos will show you how to apply technology to the written sales letter, and where in your sales letter you should include certain items to increase your conversion rate.

As times have changed, technology has changed as well. Watch this video to keep up to date with the latest trends!

Another way to increase your conversions in application to the hybrid video sales letter is by figuring out when you should use screen capture video.

Text-only video sales letters do not cut it nowadays when selling certain types of products.

That and more will be covered in this video to ensure that you are ahead of the game, as well as your competition that’s stuck using the old style video sales letter.




You now have the formula to create high end sales videos that can sell practically any product you want!

Just think...

Any product you're currently selling will sell better because now you have a captivating video to help explain your offer.

Any affiliate product you're promoting will sell better because now you can review a product inside-out that visitors will trust and happily buy through your link.

Any squeeze page you're sending traffic to will receive more sign-ups and engaged subscribers who will hang on to every email you send out. You'll be seen as a guru in their eyes!

You'll attract more affiliates to promote for you because you'll have a product that converts and out-performs the mass of other marketers without a sales video!

All your up-sells, down-sells and high-ticket back-ends will convert like crazy and you'll massively increase your customer value.

Sending paid traffic to your revised products will no longer be a problem because you're finally converting and turning a profit, or at least breaking even and building your subscriber database!

You'll be able to invest solo ad traffic every day to your offers and build a list of 10,000 or more easily!

Your sales pages will look so much more professional and your online credibility will skyrocket! You'll be seen as a guru even if you're relatively new online!

There's just no excuse NOT to be using videos in your marketing especially with all the new and simple to use technology available!

Order your copy of Smart Video Sales Letters now... but just before you do we're backing you up with a full money-back 'it wasn't for me' guarantee!

Smart Video Sales Letters is designed for marketers who want to take full advantage of sales videos to boost their conversions into double digits!

This 9-part module covers every aspect of creating stunning sales videos that out-perform even the traditional text-only videos.

If for any reason after going through this entire course you are still unable to create amazing sales videos of your own, then you're backed by our 60-day 'it wasn't for me' guarantee!

This places all the risk on us, and leaves you with new powerful knowledge to gain that will last you a lifetime!

Secure your copy now in complete confidence and get instant access to this course within seconds from now.

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Smart Sales Videos

By not having sales videos acting as your 24-hour sales man you're practically throwing money away every day! Turn your products into pure selling machines by creating your own smart sales videos right away!

Once you've gone through this course and apply the techniques you'll be kicking yourself for not doing it earlier! Order now in complete confidence and we'll get this course delivered to you immediately!

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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