The Infopreneur's Ultimate Leverage To Expert Status And Wealth...

“Who Else Wants To Generate MASSIVE Income Hand Over Fist By Simply Conducting Their Own Seminars?”

You're About To Discover How To Run Your Own Worldwide 2 Hour Seminar From Home And Cater To a Large Pool Of Paying Audience Each Paying You $97-$497!

Secret Webinar Riches

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

What you're looking at now is the single most profitable leverage that separated the wealthy gurus from the rest of the 'average' experts with an opinion. And this powerful cash cannon is about to be in your hands!

Whether you're already a practicing speaker or aspiring to use this ultimate leverage and get MORE profit for LESS effort... there's nothing more effective than running your own seminar with hundreds or even thousands of paid attendees...

... And Believe It Or Not, You Can Do It From Home!

The Big Bucks Are In Webinars... And here's why:

Your attendees can join your webinar from anywhere in any part of the world! Touring to do local seminars is gradually becoming a thing of the past. And why restrict yourself to just a pool of people in a specific location?

Your webinar can be only as long as 1 to 2 hours per session! You don't have to worry about whether you have the physical and speaking stamina to last for days in a row, or find guest speakers to help you 'buy some time'. You can run a 2 hour webinar session once a week, or 3 days in a row (which totals to just 6 hours!) and still make big profits!

Cost of running a webinar can be low as a dinner for two a month! Forget about having months of preparation, finding location, booking hotel rooms, sourcing for people to run behind the scene while you conduct your seminar sessions, and then get surprised at how much all these add up to, on top of the hidden costs. This is because...

You can do it all by yourself! Because of the virtual nature of webinars, you already save plenty of time, effort and money on these conventional costs and you can simply focus on delivering your seminar to a worldwide audience!

And by all means, this frees you completely so you can spend 90% of your energy marketing your webinar instead! Which is a big bonus too, because the cost of using the Internet to find paying attendees is going to be ridiculously LOW!

(On a side note, need I mention that you don't have to spend extra hours suiting yourself up for an in-person presentation?) ;-)

Are Webinars Reserved Only For The Big Guns?

Maybe, but up until now that is.

If I guess correctly, you're probably asking yourself this question, "Do I have all of what it takes to deliver an electrifying webinar?"

Basically, the webinar wealth formula can be summed up in 3 steps:

1. Find the audience

2. Deliver the presentation

3. Follow up, upsell and repeat all the 3 steps!

Webinars can mean the big break you've been looking for in your career as an infopreneur (regardless of any kind). This is the ultimate decision maker that will mean adding an extra 1 or 2 digits on top of what you're currently making right now!

And if any or all of these steps seem like a daunting task to you, I have something exciting to share with you...

Introducing Secret Webinar Riches!

Secret Webinar Riches

Secret Webinar Riches is a 1 hour 30 minutes 31 seconds video training course on how you can start your own webinar riches and get rich delivering high impact presentations from home - or anywhere you take your computer to - and earn a MASSIVE income working just 2 hours a day!

Let's Take A Peak Inside This Training Course:


Video 1 - Introduction to Webinars

Secret Webinar Riches

Convert fence sitters into paying customers! Here's how webinars can enhance the image and reputation of your information business, elevate your expert status and ramp in massive profits!

13 Minutes and 34 Seconds


Video 2 - Different Types of Webinars

Secret Webinar Riches

Did you know that there are many different types of webinars? Right. Not all webinars are created the same. In this video you will learn what is available to you, the advantages and disadvantages, so that you can decide what type of webinar you will want to create.


10 Minutes and 17 Seconds

Video 3 - Webinar Formula and Tricks

Secret Webinar Riches

You could setup your webinar without much thought. However there are time tested formulas and tricks that we have used, that can help you increase your conversions and sales. Did you know the way you create your webinar can increase or worse decrease your sales? More on that in this video.


13 Minutes and 12 Seconds

Video 4 - The Expert Webinar Model

Secret Webinar Riches

What if you want to sell a product or a service, but the problem you face is that... you’re not an expert on the subject you want to sell? Don’t worry. This video addresses the problem if you don’t feel like you’re an expert in the subject matter. For example, how to invite guest speakers and much much more!

13 Minutes and 19 Seconds

Video 5 - How to Pitch in Your Product

Secret Webinar RichesBefore you begin to brainstorm and plan your own webinar, you will want to learn how to pitch the product you are selling, inside your webinar. That would be the last 15 minutes on how to effectively pitch in your back end product and get people to act now.

Just like those offline seminars where the speaker gives the Upsell in the last 15 minutes of his or her speech, we’ll show you how to do the same in your webinar.

7 Minutes and 50 Seconds

Video 6 - Brainstorming and Planning Your Webinar

Secret Webinar RichesNow that you’ve learned all you need to know about the different types of webinars, the tips and tricks, how to pitch your product, and much’s time to really focus on creating your own webinar.

But before you can do that, you need to brainstorm and properly plan it. Without the proper planning, you may as well say goodbye to the success of your webinar. In this video, you will learn just that.

12 Minutes and 16 Seconds

Video 7 - Creating Your Webinar

Secret Webinar RichesWhat software should you use? What kind of microphone? While this part can be technical, you don’t have to be technical savvy to create your webinar. Simply follow this video step-by-step and I’ll walk you thru it HOW to create your webinar.


6 Minutes and 43 Seconds

Video 8 - Setting Up Your Webinar and Webinar Pages

Secret Webinar RichesOnce you learn the concepts, formulas, important points on creating a successful webinar, and you’ve created your's time to put it all in action! In this video, you will learn how to setup your webinar and webinar pages.


7 Minutes and 25 Seconds

Video 9 - Marketing Your Webinar

Secret Webinar Riches

Find paying customers using low-cost but highly effective, renegade marketing tactics! This is the most essential bit of info, this module alone is worth the price I'm about to ask for this entire training course!


11 Minutes and 9 Seconds


But That's Not All!

I reckon you're already excited at the possibilities of making a massive income working less hours and less effort than what you're putting in right now. And to add sizzling to the offer, I'm also throwing in 2 bonus video modules!

Bonus Video - Avoid Crashing Your Webinar

Secret Webinar Riches

One of the biggest problems people face, is they drive all this traffic to a webinar. People are anxiously waiting for the webinar and suddenly CRASH! This is a common problem that happens often and as unfortunate as it is, you will lose potential customers. In this bonus video, you will learn how to avoid this problem.

4 Minutes and 12 Seconds

Bonus Video - Webinars On Autopilot

Secret Webinar Riches

Did you know that most successful webinars are replays? Webinar replays are webinars that are simply on re-run. Think about having a webinar on autopilot while you are happily watching movies or spending time with your family? In this bonus video, you will learn how to put your webinars on autopilot.


7 Minutes and 38 Seconds


“The Fastest Way To Make Big Money Online, Elevate To Expert Status - All With Less Effort And Working Just 2 Hours A Day!”

Before we discuss the price, I want you to think about this...

If you get a paid attendee at, say, $97 each...

And you know you can easily charge higher than this for the content you deliver through your webinar plus the fact that you're doing it in person - only through the webinar and present to answer all the queries your attendees may have...

You can be asking for $297 to $497 per head even!

But assuming you're selling your webinar 'seats' at a conservative price of $97 - and you successfully got in 100 attendees.

That's $9,700!

And your webinar format is 2 hours per session, once a week, for 4 weeks in a row. That totals up to 8 hours.

Nearly $38,800 for 8 hours of presentation. Tell me, what other ways do you know of that gets you results like that in 8 hours? (and this is already a conservative example!)

So if I sell the access to this course for just $497, it would have paid itself in just 6 webinar 'seats'. Or even just one, if you're running your paid webinar at $497 per head!

But you're about to be in for a pleasant surprise... because Secret Webinar Riches won't cost anywhere near that in spite of the relatively low pricing already!

There you have it. Place your order now by clicking on the orange button below. Even if it's 2 in the morning, you can get unrestricted download access to these videos instantly after purchasing via my secure server.

This is one of the easiest way to make more bang for the buck, and convert it into massive monthly income business without resorting to expensive yet mediocre, conventional means!

Secret Webinar Riches

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tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
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Secret Webinar Riches

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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