“Who Else Wants To Crank Out Profit-Pulling Letters And See Their Conversion Rates Shoot Through The Roof... Starting Today!”

Discover The Millionaire's Secret Method Of Dramatically Boosting Productivity While Working LESS Than You Currently Are Right Now!

Sales Page Blueprints

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

How would you like to crank out your own profit-pulling letters that sell and do it within hours instead of days, weeks or even months?

Direct Response Sales Copies are FAR from dead, contrary to what many people might have you believed. You see, back in the 1960's many people speculated that magazines and newsletters will phase out when the television was newly introduced.

Hey, we're in the 21st century now and what do you think? Do people still read magazines? YEP. Is Direct Response Marketing a thriving business? MORE THAN EVER. On the other hand, how many people walk off and buy something after watching an ad on TV now? NOT OFTEN.

“Direct Response Sales Copies Always WIN Hands Down!”

If you remember the last time you bought a product you probably were convinced by a sales letter before making your purchase - and I rest my case on that.

As a matter of fact, most marketing experts are making their millions online selling more volumes of their products which otherwise couldn't have been achieved without the aid of a better written copy.

Sales copies act like your personal sales man, only 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... Pretty much like what you're reading right now, so you know I'm walking my talk.

This Is The Reason Why Top Gun Copywriters
Are Paid Big Bucks...

But the problem is that whatever these copywriting masters are charging, it's beyond the budget of many frugal and starting Internet Marketers.

Chances are, you're one of them. And if you are selling anything online - and I mean ANYTHING - having a sales copy or not is like LIFE and DEATH for your business.

Can you afford NOT to get at least a decent sales copy? This might just cost you more than getting a professional expert to write on your behalf.

This sends most new marketers on a budget to an edge where they can only decide between the worse and worst.

Think about it:

If you don't have a sales letter that converts, you will only waste your traffic generation efforts,

Even if you spend big bucks to line up the pockets of an expert copywriter, that usually means a longer time before you can even cover your investment back, and

Now this may come as a shocking truth - but there is no guarantee even if you engage an expert copywriter. What if your offer isn't compelling enough? No one else knows your product better than you do unless the copywriter takes your business as serious as his own.

But is a few grand worth the risk?

But What If I Tell You That YOU Too can become a pro copywriter as well?

NO, you don't need special qualifications to do this. As long as you can type with the keyboard, you stand as much chance producing your own profit-pulling sales letters.

And see your conversion rates soar through the roof!

... And repeat the same step for every product you are selling online - over and over again.

It doesn't matter whether you are selling your own digital product, physical product, or merely an affiliate for someone else...

Finally you can outgun your competitors, bring in twice or Triple as many sales, increase your conversion results by as much as 50% - 300% from your visitors...

... And not be at the mercy of expensive copywriters!

“Introducing The Step-By-Step Videos
To SalesPage Blueprints...”

Here's a break down on what you will learn in this video series:

Video #1: Introduction to Sales Page Blueprints and Tools You'll Need

If you are going to run a successful business, you must know how to sell. In the offline world, you need to have good salesmanship or leverage on a team of trained sales people if you want to see money rolling into your company's bank book.

Fortunately online, even if don't have those qualities, but as long as you know how to sell in print, you can rake up an INFINITE amount of sales letters that act as your 24/7 'online' salesperson.

In this video, you will learn the required skills you need to write high converting sales copy. You will also be shown free and low-cost tools that can get the job done.

[6 minutes and 48 seconds]

Video #2: Identifying your Prospect

There are a few important questions that you must answer and begin to brainstorm before you write your sales letter/ Knowing who you are selling to, who your prospects are, how they think, what makes them take action... these are crucial factors to copy success because this way you know the problems they face, and the solutions they want, which they'll buy.

That's exactly what you'll learn in this video. You'll also learn how to address your prospects in your sales letters and how to make your sales letter be exciting to read.

[10 minutes and 21 seconds]

Video #3: Sales letter Format: Layout, Fonts, Width of Letter, Coloring

Words sell. But the way you format and present your sales letter can dramatically affect your conversion rates. Who wants to read a sales letter that isn't readable or doesn't create an exciting environment?

In this video, you'll learn how to create a compelling layout, how to use certain type of fonts to make your sales letter easily read, the ideal width of letter, and the coloring.

[8 minutes and 10 seconds]

Video #4: Sales Letter Format: Long Letter vs. Short Letter - Which is Better? Using Links Correctly

So here's the big debate: Long letter vs. short letter... which one converts better?

Some say it's the long sales letter and some say short sales letter Whatever your preference, it all boils down tests and conversions. Which actually converts better from people who have done tests?

We've taken the expert case studies of actual sales letters to show you why a certain sales letter type will help you not only convert well, but have future backend conversions. You'll also learn how to use links correctly on your sales page.

[7 minutes and 24 seconds]

Video #5: Writing Your Sales letter - Top Area: Headline, Sub-headline, Addressing the Prospect, Introduction

The sales letter writing has been split up into three parts, for videos 5, 6, and 7. In this video, you'll learn about the top area, which is the first thing your prospect will see.

There are different types of headlines, and you'll learn how to combine several of them to create an attractive and exciting headlines that hits on your prospects true needs and wants!

The sub headline helps add to the headline, and you'll learn how to do just that. How should you address your prospect and start the introduction of your sales letter? Often, the introduction is the hard part, because you don't know how to start off with a bang. This video will show you methods that expert copywriters use to jump start your sales letter.

[15 minutes and 14 seconds]

Video #6: Writing Your Sales letter - Middle Area: Announcing Your Product Or Service Solution, Benefits and Features

Now, we've gotten into the middle area of your sales letter. It's time to announce the solution to your prospect's problems, which is your product or service.

But then your customers will begin to ask questions such as, "How does your product or service Benefit me?".

You'll learn the importance of using all these three items, and how to go about actually listing your benefits and some of the most common benefits that will strike your prospect's wants and needs.

[5 minutes and 34 seconds]

Video #7: Writing Your Sales Letter - Bottom Area: Endorsements / Testimonials, Proof, Bonus, Guarantee, Call to Action, P.S Areas

Most of these items are located at the bottom of your sales letter with exception of some testimonials and proofs. The nice things about these items are they help increase your conversion rates of your sales letter.

Think about it. If you came to a sales letter and there were many true testimonials on the page with people that were saying good things about a product and they had the same needs as you... wouldn't you become interested? Of course you would. You will learn how to use these items and apply them to your own sales copy so that you can increase your conversions.

[8 minutes and 56 seconds]

Video #8: Real Life Example - We'll Take What We Learned Above and Apply It To A Real Life Sales Letter

What better way than to take what you learned above, and actually go to real life sales letters to begin to understand how they all piece together?

Did you know that by doing this to other sales letters, you will eventually start writing better sales copy?

You will now be able to take your previous sales copy training and put it into action which will stick in your mind forever!

[7 minutes and 44 seconds]

Video #9: How to Use Google's Website Optimizer Feature...For Split Testing Your Conversions

What's the point of learning how to write sales copy, without testing your actual conversions? Many business owners make the mistake of writing sales copy and wondering why it's not converting at all.

Did you know just a few keywords in your original sales letter, if changed could increase your conversions higher? The best way to increase your sales is by doing this. But the question is what split testing software should you use?

You're in luck, because Google's Website Optimizer is free and best of all, you can get lots of tracking reports that will reveal your true sales copy conversions. You will learn how to correctly use this tool and apply it to your sales copy!

[9 minutes and 53 seconds]

It's Like Looking Over The Shoulders
Of An Expert Top Gun Copywriter At Work!

Forget eBooks that just show you theories or 'what it might be like'. When you learn to write your first money-raking copy, I will be walking you through the steps - leaving no stones un-turned.

I will be divulging the secret formulas to:

1. Getting their attention,

2. Pressing your prospect's interest hot buttons,

3. Invoking their desires,

4. And finally get them to take action on your offer!

“So How Much Does It Cost?”

Perhaps the right question to ask is, "How much is it WORTH to you?"

It is said that most Internet Marketers are one 'sales letter' away from wealth, then this must be the only missing link that connects you to your financial goals.

So how much is it costing you for every second you're not having it?

And what if I told you that:

You can get all these videos in the next few minutes,

It's NOT going to cost you thousands (though the information is worth that much)

It's NOT even going to cost you $997,

It's NOT even going to cost you $497,

But only...

$297 $97 $47

Yes, for only $47, you get to have your hands on the "brains" of a top gun copywriter - and imitate his formula every step of the way, and to the dot.

Is this the real deal? Think about it: I've got you reading this far.

And if there is any more room for doubts, I hope this clears it all, because I truly value you as a customer and your success is my priority:

“Your Investment Is Fully Backed By My 100% Satisfaction Iron-Clad Guarantee...”

Okay here's the deal: watch the "SalesPage Blueprints" videos now and check it out for a FULL 60 DAYS. Don't think. Don't wonder. Just try it out.

Check out my videos after you have made your purchase and follow the steps as I reveal the secret formula to a high-profit sales letter that sells. If it's not what you're looking for or can't get the kind of results you desire, simply ask for your money back. You cannot lose.

How's that for a guarantee?

So order now and make your life changing investment because finally, you can now save thousands and acquire the skill of a professional copywriter, and create your own wealth in pursuit!

Sales Page Blueprints

YES! Let Me Secure My Copy Now!

tick YES Eric! I understand that I will be getting access to 'Sales Page Blueprints' straight after payment.
tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
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Order Now Only $47 $17

Sales Page Blueprints

I show you every single step to crafting your own sales master piece, formula to making sales, and techniques to increase your conversion rates!

You will be churning out your own profit-raking sales letters in just hours instead of days or even weeks and save thousands from hiring your own top gun copywriter! Secure your copy now!


To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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