“Discover How to Multiply Your Income with Your Own Highly Profitable Lead Generating Cash Producing Automated Sales Funnel!...”

You're about to learn the same techniques that the self-proclaim guru's are pedalling to you for their $1997+ coaching programs!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Sales Funnel Secrets

Everyone knows the money's in the list.

And if you're not building a list already, then that could very well be one of the biggest pieces of the profit pie you're missing in your business!

But you don't just need a list...
If You Really Want to Make Sales Hand Over Fist, then You Need 2 THINGS...

1. An active and responsive mailing list

2. A well thought out progressive sales funnel to traffic through.

It turns out both of these things go hand-in-hand and you simply can't have one without the other.

Your Sales Funnel Allows You to Profit or Break Even While Building Your List

Because it allows you to be able to afford ads
Because it allows you to be able to ad swap your list if you'd like
Because it allows you to maximize the amount of revenue you make per customer

If you don't have a sales funnel in place, then you're leaving the lion's share of your profits on the table.

The backend is where you really profit.

It's how you multiply your profits faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.

Introducing... “Sales Funnel Secrets!”

Building profitable sales funnels for serious profit from start to finish!

Sales Funnel Secrets

In Sales Funnel Secrets, I'll show you how to setup your own sales funnel from start to finish so you'll never be leaving money on the table again!

Here's a more detailed look at my step-by-step course:

Lesson 1: What Is A Sales Funnel And Why Do I Need One?

Sales Funnel SecretsIf you've come to this page wondering what on earth a sales funnel is (even though you may have heard of the term before) then you need to watch this introductory video.

After I've explained to you what a sales funnel is, I then tell you why it's important to have one. If you're already selling your own product, or a squeeze page where you're collecting leads, or even just a blog with traffic coming to it then you've already got part of a sales funnel in motion! Now it's time for you to develop it and turn it into a much more profitable business!

Lesson 2: The 3 Things Your Funnel Must Have

Sales Funnel Secrets
Yes you read that right. There are only 3 things you need to get your sales funnel started. 1. A ____ _____. 2. An ____-_________ and finally 3. An __-____ _____.

I'll go into detail about each component and talk about why they are important and how you should be setting them up.

When you have these 3 basic components in place you can then fine-tweak your system, and even scale it and bolt on extras to bring in more sales!
Be sure to watch this video to get a solid idea of what you need to do!

Lesson 3: How To Get Good Product Ideas For Your Offers In Your Funnel

Sales Funnel SecretsGetting started and finding a good idea to get your sales funnel started is not the easiest job in the world. In fact it can be quite daunting doing research and going through pages and pages of numbers, keywords and statistics to get an idea of what sells.

Fortunately we're NOT going to do any of that. I like do things simple. Simple means less complications, less thinking and more action. Watch this important video to see how to find the hot spots so you can base your funnel around it and guarantee your success!

Lesson 4: What Makes A Great Free Offer

Sales Funnel SecretsYour sales funnel is useless unless you have a good offer in place. After all, that is the name of the game - to sell. If you don't provide value at any point in your system you'll break the chain of events and you won't see any noticeable results in your income.

In this video I'll exposed some examples of great free offers that you can use to give you some idea of what you need to do. I'll tell you what price you should sell at, how much value and content you need to provide, some of my past experiences and much more!

Be sure to watch this video to get the insider details!

Lesson 5: How To Create An Effective Squeeze Page That Captures Targeted Prospects

Sales Funnel SecretsThat start of your sales funnel includes a squeeze page. This is the first point of contact your visitors will have with you so you need to do it right and make a good impression.
In this video we reveal to you a squeeze page that works extremely well for our niche. You'll be surprised at how simple and effective it is and you'll be able to use it to model it for your business.

You'll be able to see what title we use, what call to action we use, where we place our image, what images to include, what font style we use, what we highlight plus so much more!

We've spent so much time experimenting and testing different variations of squeeze pages so you don't have to. Watch this video to see how to you need to design your squeeze page for best performance!

Lesson 6: The Best Ways To Deliver Your Products When A Customer Subscribes

Sales Funnel SecretsA newbie way of delivering products is to simply email the customer the direct download link to their free gift or paid product.

A smarter marketer will send their subscriber to a separate landing page and provide the links from there so that they can cross-promote other products (we'll cover that in a video further down).

You'll do better online if you come across as a professional and not a 'hobbyist' with a sloppy put together website. This video shows you how to setup a basic delivery system to leave a good impression on your subscriber or customer and also to set you up for the next stage!

Lesson 7: How To Create PDF Reports And eBooks

Sales Funnel SecretsWhen we say 'offer free content' we normally mean some form of written document, an MP3 audio recording, an MP4 video tutorial and so on. So when you're at the beginning of your sales funnel and need to build your list, you'll realize that you need some form of content for them.

The easiest way to do this is to provide a written report that you write yourself, hire someone else to do it, or buy private label rights to. Either way we're going to show you how to turn that .doc file into a .pdf and make it look professional so you can give it to your subscriber for free. Provide great value and they'll love you for it!

Lesson 8: The Basics Of Recording Video Products Using Affordable Software And A Laptop

Sales Funnel SecretsDid you know that video products have a higher perceived value that written products?

In this video we'll show you how to create your own video products using both free and paid software so you can sell them as an up-sell in the second stage of your sales funnel.

If you don't like recording yourself or are a bit camera shy, don't worry you can still learn from these techniques and hire someone else to do this step for you - very cheaply!

By doing this you'll have your own unique product that you can use as an up-sell that no other marketer will have!

Lesson 9: The Free HTML Editor Software You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Sales Funnel SecretsAt some point during this setup, you'll need a HTML editor to put together your squeeze page, sales letter, thank you page and so on. There are so many HTML editors out there - which one do you choose?

Watch this video to know exactly what you should be downloading and installing on your PC without having to go through a handful of them yourself, testing them, uninstalling them, and slowing your PC down! This is a great time saver in itself!

Lesson 10: A Couple Different Wordpress Themes You Can Use To Create Squeeze Pages And Sales Pages

Sales Funnel SecretsHaving your sales funnel hosted on a blog does have its benefits over HTML. For one, you'll get better search engine rankings and you'll be able to update it without the need for FTP software.

However, if you're creating multiple products or sales funnels you may want to consider doing it the HTML way simply because it's faster and more practical at times.

We will teach both ways in this course so you can decide what's right for you as you get into the full swing of things!

Lesson 11: The Free FTP Software You Can Use To Upload All Of Your Funnel Files In Bulk

Sales Funnel SecretsFTP (file transfer protocol) and is simply a way for you to upload files from your PC to your server. An important piece of software yes, but not always necessary for example if you're using WordPress.

However, for your benefit we're going to show you were you can get free FTP software and how to use it to upload your files to your server. This gives you more control over your business and at some point should learn how to use it.

If you've been fearing FTP for too long, then make sure you watch this video!

Lesson 12: Product Types That Sell Well As OTOs And Add-on Products

Sales Funnel SecretsOTO stands for 'one time offer', also known as a 'special offer' and they are simply offers you can place in your sales funnel to make money as soon as someone subscribers to your list!

Watch this video and we'll reveal the real power behind your special offer, what you should be offering, how it should compliment your free gift, and how to make it relevant to the topic to ensure you achieve the highest conversions and make the maximum number of sales!

Lesson 13: Secrets Of Pricing You Frontend And Backend Products And Services

Sales Funnel SecretsStrategic pricing is essential to your online success. It's all too easy to get carried away and over-price your product especially when you've put so many hours and hard work into it.

On the flip side it's also very easy to grab reseller products and sell for a cheap price. You don't want to be on either extreme because it'll only hurt your conversions and you won't make any sales.

Watch this video to see how you should be pricing your products and what give us good results based on experience.

Lesson 14: How Many Up-Sells You Should Have In Your Funnel To Maximize Profits Without Going Overboard

Sales Funnel SecretsJust like pricing it's easy to get carried away with how many offers you should be providing. By not adding extra up-sells to your sales funnel sequence you're missing out on additional income.

At the same time, adding too many or irrelevant offers can aggravate your subscribers. Watch this video to balance your offers and get the most from your sales funnel!

Lesson 15: How You Can Increase Customer Value On The Backend Separate From Your Initial Funnel

Sales Funnel SecretsWhen we say 'back end', we refer to the sales that go on behind the scenes. These are the sales, the offers and mechanisms that are not so openly displayed at the start of the funnel.

Sometimes when you spy on a competitor you're only looking at the tip of the iceberg. Watch this video and we'll show you the money that lies beneath!

Lesson 16: Understanding EPC And Customer Value So You Can Scale Up Your Business

Sales Funnel SecretsEPC stands for 'Earnings Per Click' which is the amount of revenue on average for each click to your site, to your squeeze page, that opts in. This gives you a base figure to work with so you know how well your sales funnel is performing.

With this figure at hand you can then estimate how much you're willing to spend for 1 click on your ad for example. It also gives you great scope to see how much your customers are really worth and where else you can go to get traffic when you come to scale your business!

Lesson 17: How To Monetize Your Download Page With Related Offers Like The Pros Do

Sales Funnel SecretsDownload pages are prime real estate for generating more sales! Did you know for example, just adding a banner to an affiliate offer can passively increase your sales without having to do any extra work?

Watch this video and we'll show you how we use ClickBank to find related products to promote on our download and thankyou pages! This tip alone will bring in a new stream of income for you!

Click the play button below to watch a sample video and to help you get started!

"So simple and effective! I wish I did this earlier!"

Thanks for letting me review your course! I thought this was going to be another lecture that wouldn't give me any practical advice - how I was wrong!

I couldn't believe how simple it was. Your diagrams made it easy for me to see what I'm doing and where I'm going wrong.

It was very easy so simple and effective. I wish I did this earlier! This course will pay itself back many times over - definitely a keeper!

Thanks again!
Ryan E.

"One little change has lead to extra sales!"

I cannot thank you enough for letting me one of the first people to see this course!

I did not expect to learn anything new because I have some experience in this industry. However just out of curiousity I tried one of the techniques you mentioned in video 15 and I've seen new sales come in because of it!

This is definitely an eye-opener and would definitely recommend this course to anyone who's already selling their own products!

- Edward

"It's Like Following a Map"

Hi, would just like to drop you a note and say thanks for this course on sales funnels. I'm quite new to the scene and have only got a basic blog online. I have yet to put up my first proper website and system together. Your videos have given me the confidence to go ahead with it and has saved me a lot of time because now I know what to do. I would recommend this to anyone starting out like me because its like following a map.

Thanks ever so much!
- Dorothy

Special Bonus! Act Now & Receive Low Ticket, Mid Ticket & High Ticket Product Ideas!

Sales Funnel Secrets bonus packageThis bonus report gives you a quick overview on what a successful Online Business Profit Funnel looks like – and how you can model your Online Business after it!

Inside you'll discover...

Low Ticket Product Ideas
Earn your prospect’s trust quickly at LOW risks and HIGH volumes with these amazing low ticket product ideas that you can quickly and easily develop for your own!

Mid Ticket Product Ideas
Make more money from your repeat customers, establish substantial credibility and expand your product empire!

High Ticket Product Ideas
The true vehicle to massive riches as used by TOP Internet Marketers and Online Gurus from around the planet!

In Closing: What Is Your Ideal Profit Strategy? -
How to put these ideas into action for maximum results!

...and so much more!

We plan to sell this as a separate product however you'll receive this as a bonus aboslutely free with your video course!

I'll think you'll agree that there is a lot to consider when you come to do business online!

Here's something else you need to think about...

Just Having a Website DOES NOT Cut It!

Everyone has a website! In fact anyone can get one installed very quickly! - Even outsourced for next to nothing!

So what makes you and your business any different?...

The secret lies in the method you use to generate leads, sales and back-end sales. This is why Sales Funnel Secrets was created!
Benefits of a sales funnel...

Gives you an incentive to build your list whilst making money at the same time! Ever feel like not bothering to build your list? We've all been there! However when you know that you have a special offer in place you'll be happily building your list and knowing that you'll be able to make sales as well!

Allows you to build on top of what you've already done! Wait! Don't tell me you've bought countless of other products and courses in the past telling you how to do this and how to do that... with the Sales Funnel Secrets course you're going to finally put everything together into one perfect system! Your past efforts are definitely not wasted!

Increased the number of sales from the same amount of traffic! Have you already got a product you're selling? Have you already got traffic coming to your squeeze page? Perhaps you've already got a blog setup and are getting traffic that way?... Well wouldn't it be great if you could not redirect that traffic into your own sales funnel using the techniques discussed in this course? By build on top of what you've already got, you'll increase your income literally overnight!

Increase your monthly income - so you can invest time and money into other areas of your business that need it! We all need to develop however it's hard enough keeping up with everyday life expenses - it becomes difficult to reinvest, almost impossible to reinvest in your business when you don't have good cash flow. This is why many people stay stuck at the same point and can't get any further. When you apply the techniques in Sales Funnel Secrets you'll finally be able to boost your income to another level so you can progress!

Allows you to develop your sales funnel even further to increase your income! Add more up-sells, add more value to your offers, increase your price, add a tell-a-friend script, add an affiliate program and so much more! Once you've mastered this course you'll be able to develop your own sales funnel and develop it how you want!

Forces you to make use of your auto-responder service! You and I we both know that your auto-responder service is costing you monthly and who's to say that you're fully utilizing it? Do you think a handful of highly targeted emails added to your sales funnel will make a difference! You bet! When you understand the logic behind great sales funnels you'll start to see that your auto-responder can bring in more sales that would otherwise be left on the table for someone else!

Prepares you for selling high ticket products! With time and practice you'll start to see how having your own sales funnel will build your business to new heights! Sales Funnel Secrets is only the beginning of something much MUCH bigger! It won't be long before you start charging high ticket prices like $97, $197, $497 even $997 or more for your own products!

“So How Much is Sales Funnel Secrets Worth to You?”

You see having some or part of the pieces of the puzzle is just as good as having none of them. Without complete knowledge you're only kicking yourself and wasting both your time and money. Sales Funnel Secrets puts you on the right track to starting your business. Learn to walk before you run and I can guarantee you'll do very well!

So please scroll down and secure your copy today before a) the price rises, or b) I remove this video series altogether and bundle into a more expensive training course!


Your Purchase is Backed By a 100% ‘NO Like No Buy’ Satisfaction Guarantee!

You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Our training videos were created for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.

When you invest in this course today you're backed by a ‘No Like No Buy’ guarantee. If you feel that these videos did not help you in anyway then send us an email requesting for a full and prompt refund.

How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


So act now and don't put this off any longer. Because to put it bluntly: you are not the only person reading this letter now. Your would-be competitors are too. And you know the problem with saturated competition? You just wished you'd act sooner.

Sales Funnel Secrets

Yes Eric! Show Me How to Triple My Income with a Professional Sales Funnel!

Sales Funnel Secrets YES Eric! Give me instant access to Sales Funnel Secrets so I can start applying some seriously effective techniques to make more money online! I understand that I will be getting access to 'Sales Funnel Secrets' straight after payment!
Sales Funnel Secrets YES Eric! I want to take my business to the next level by selling more without having to create more products or working any harder! I understand that these are the same techniques which the guru's are selling in their $1997+ coaching programs - but I'll get 100% of that information in a convenient downloadable product at a tiny shred of that price!
Sales Funnel Secrets YES Eric! I understand that I'm backed by a full 60 day guarantee! This will give me more than enough time to watch all 17 videos, download the sales funnel ideas report apply the techniques to my existing websites and make more money! This course alone will pay itself many times over so on that basis let me place my order!

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Sales Funnel Secrets

Sales Funnel Secrets


Don't let the fear of not knowing limit your ability to make a substantial living online hold you back! This product alone will help you get solid results faster than doing and figuring out all the fussy work by youself!

Be smart! Take advatange now whilst this offer is still fresh in your mind. I'm so confident that you'll love the techniques used in this product that you're backed by an iron-clad 60-day guarantee. Take action now!


To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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