If you're not bringing in the commissions you want from digital products, then pay attention...

“Discover The Simplest & Fastest Way To Sell Physical Products Through Amazon That Pay Out FAT Commissions!

Now It's The Little Guy's Turn To Piggy Back Off The Large Corporations Without Having To Stock Or Risk In Any Products Themselves!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

We have all heard about being an affiliate for information products over and over again, but did you realize there is a whole new market that you are missing out on that can allow you to sell the most popular items over and over again?...

Did you realize there is a huge set of products that people use and enjoy everyday that often times gets more interest than your everyday information product?

Imagine now that you have at your disposal the opportunity to become an affiliate for products where millions upon millions of dollars in advertising is spent weekly. Every single day millions of people are being exposed to these products, and they are ready to buy them.

There is good news...

"You Can Leverage Marketing Dollars From Huge Corporations for Dollars In Your Pocket"

Almost everyday it seems you see advertisements on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines for items like flat screen televisions, video game systems, kitchen gadgets, popular movies, home entertainment systems, major appliances, and more.

These huge companies that promote these products are spending millions of dollars annually to generate interest and buzz for their products.

When this buzz is created you can cash in!

"Nearly 2 Hours of Step By Step Video Content Shows You How Right Before Your Eyes..."

You can now learn how to cash in on the buzz for these popular products around the clock potentially as an affiliate. I have compiled a total of 16 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be wildly successful online without having to worry about pushing products that no one ends up wanting to buy!

Introducing Physical Product Profits!...

Here's a hint of what you'll uncover...

How to quickly find the most popular products that people are ready to buy right away.

What FREE resources you can use to determine the potential success of your campaign.

How to quickly and easily plan your attack on the marketplace for that product.

How a free software program can create cash on demand whenever you open it up and use it... And why this underused free software on your computer will give you the edge to dominate your competition.

A system you can duplicate over and over again to create niche profit centers that help you collect income possibly on a daily basis.

How to profit like wildfire by utilizing underused marketing tactics to drive hoardes of 'cash-in-hand' hungry buyers to your offer page.

What sites do you need to use to get your content indexed in the search engines lightning fast so you can start turning a profit fast.

And so much more!

Here's a quick peek at what you're going to get access to...

Video 1: Overview of the system and how to find the best products to promote

• In this 5:52 video, see what this tutorial series is about and how the system actually works.
• How to utilize the Amazon affiliate program to become an affiliate for a product.
• How to pick a product that is popular and something people frequently purchase.
• Why electronics are a good choice for becoming affiliated with.

Video 2: Select your product to promote and find the best keywords to match it

• In this 6:47 video, find out how to research what keywords rank highest on search engines for your selected product.
• How to settle on what niche to promote and pick your keywords accordingly so that they work with your product.
• How to select high ranking keywords that can massively increase the amount of traffic your content will draw.
• Why keywords are the backbone to making this promotion campaign work.

Video 3: How to become an affiliate for Amazon.com step-by-step

• In this 2:17 video, follow the steps shown to quickly become an Amazon Affiliate.
• Why the Amazon Affiliate program offers many ideas on how to promote products and an easy sign up process.
• How once you have become an Amazon Affiliate, you can then begin setting up your Affiliate website to promote your product.
• Why generating traffic is essential to a successful affiliate promotional campaign.

Video 4: Learn the best domains to use for this system and how to register the domain

• In this 8:55 video, you will be walked through the steps in picking a domain name with Godaddy.
• How to pick a domain name that includes many of your products keyword phrase.
• Why a keyword rich domain name will increase the amount of traffic going through your affiliate website.
• Why when setting up your site you must be sure to state that you are an affiliate promoting the product.

Video 5: The steps to setup a quality website hosting account

• In this 5:03 video, find out how to setup your hosting account with a reputable website.
• How to pick a hosting package that fits your affiliate websites needs.
• How to save by using a coupon code before checking out to save some money.
• How to save by choosing longer billing cycles will lower the monthly costs.

Video 6: Setup The methods for pointing your domain to your hosting account laid out in simple instructions

• In this 4:56 video, watch carefully as you are shown how to connect your domain name to your hosting account.
• Why you should collect a few different pieces of information before linking your domain name to your hosting account.
• How to navigate your hosting account and find your DNS information.
• How to return to your domain name host and make the needed nameserver changes.

Video 7: How to quickly setup a Wordpress website using automatic tools

• In this 3:08 video, find out how to install and setup Wordpress using Fantastico.
• How to navigate through a few pages until you are at the installation screen for Wordpress.
• How to fill in the required information and click install Wordpress.
• Continue through and your website is set up to utilize Wordpress for affiliate marketing.

Video 8: Learn how to optimize Wordpress using plugins and changing settings to maximize search engine traffic

• In this 12:59 video, learn how to optimize your Wordpress plugins to maximize traffic through your affiliate website.
• How to make any need changes to your settings while you are on this page.
• How to modify your general settings to make your website easier to manage.
• How to change your permalink settings to make them more search engine friendly.
• How to navigate to your plugins and install the plugins that will help maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your affiliate website.

Video 9: How to select a free and professional theme that will put you into profits faster

• In this 2:50 video, see how to go about changing your theme to help your website stand out and appear more professional.
• How to change your theme by searching for new themes that fit your parameters.
• Why a well designed theme can make the difference of having the appearance of a professional site and cheap spam site.
• Once you have picked an appropriate theme, move on to filling out your website.

Video 10: How to grab your Amazon affiliate links

• In this 6:01 video, you will learn how to find your Amazon Affiliate link.
• Why your Amazon Affiliate link is what will be actually making you money throughout this process.
• How to choose the specific product that you want to promote and choose how to have your affiliate link displayed.
• How to utilize banners and image displays that contain your affiliate link to maximize the amount you make from commissions.
• How and why you should keep your affiliate link easily accessible as you will be using it often from here on out.

Video 11: How to create your first money post for Wordpress

• In this 5:07 video, find out how to make your money post that contains your affiliate link.
• How to remove any default posts from your affiliate website before making your money post.
• How to utilize your keyword phrase in the title of your new post to maximize your search engine ranking.
• Why in the body of your post, be sure to include many keywords as well as your affiliate link.

Time For Traffic!

Video 12: Begin promotion of your new site with social bookmarking

• In this 7:37 video, explore the possibilities of social bookmarking and how it can bring more traffic through your affiliate website.
• Why social bookmarking sites often rank very high in search engines resulting in higher traffic.
• Why these sites also provide more back links to your affiliate site, drawing in even more traffic.
• When submitting your link to social bookmarking sites, why you should make sure to include as many keywords and keyword phrases in the title and tags.
• Why you should submit your link to as many bookmarking sites as you can to maximize traffic going through your affiliate website.

Video 13: Write and submit a press release to get traffic in hours

• In this 13:32 video, learn how to create and submit a press release about your affiliate site.
• How to title your press release using your keyword phrase for your product.
• Why press releases are useful in that they contain a large amount of information regarding your affiliate site.
• How to include your website link at the very end and somewhere in the body of the press release.
• When submitting your press release why you must be sure to involve your keywords in the summary and keywords field.

Video 14: Leverage top Web 2.0 properties for more sales

• In this 13:14 video, learn how to best utilize web 2.0 sitess to draw in more traffic to your affiliate website.
• How to title your web 2.0 site with your keyword phrase to increase search engine ranking.
• How to go about your first post andinclude keywords and links to your main affiliate site to increase your total traffic.
• Why you should be sure to check that all your links work properly and that you fill in the labels field with your keywords.
• How to get extra traffic, bookmark your web 2.0 sites.

Video 15: Video marketing from A to Z using a unique approach

• In this 10:21 video, see how to use video content to bring in more traffic to your affiliate site.
• How to creatively include your keyword phrase in the title of your video and provide clear, concise information in your video.
• How to compile your recording and product images into one video and upload to a video hosting site.
• Why in the description of your video, include your affiliate website link to bring in as much traffic as possible from your video content.
• How to maximize traffic from your video content, imbed it into a post on your blog and then bookmark your blog post.

Video 16: Rinse and Repeat the steps for other niches and more possible riches

• In this 2:55 video, The tutorial series is wrapped up and some long term strategy will be explained.
• How to continue expanding your traffic funnel to new sites and new keywords.
• Why you should focus on one product promotion at a time and move on once you have finished your campaign promoting that product.
• How to look into other websites that offer affiliate programs and different products that some sites may not.
• How affiliate Marketing can be a great way to create extra income or even supplement a full time income once you have figured the most effective ways to bring in traffic to your affiliate website.


Now is YOUR time to start succeeding online.

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Physical Product Profits

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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