If you're fed up of selling cheap little $7 products, and want to sell high ticket, then stay on this page...

“How Would You Like to Generate $97 Sales, $197 Sales, $497 Sales Or Even MORE Into Your PayPal Account?”

...That's now possible because for the first time you'll get access to the insider's perspective on providing services for REAL Cash!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

If you've been struggling online but you know a thing or two about internet marketing, then fate may have brought you to this page.

Why?... Because you can make good money selling services that webmasters and internet marketers are already looking for.

Fact Is... You may have been neglecting some of your talents and abilities up until now. We're not talking about complex services here. You CAN pull this off. All it takes is the desire to do so.

Imagine Getting Paid Good Money for This...

If you can pull off at least one of these services, then you can make money with it...

Designing banners - yes people need banners because they want to promote their product! If you can create a half-decent looking banner then you've got customers will to pay you.

Creating website headers - webmasters and marketers alike need to present their products. Headers are perfect for this and can add value to their websites - again something that you can provide!

Designing websites - why not take it a step further and do a complete design package? Provide more value, then charge accordling. It's not uncommon for designers to charge $500+ for graphics!

Writing services - marketers need products to sell, articles to add to their blogs, reports to give away as gifts, and eBooks to sell! If you can research a topic and write about it then expect to be paid for it!

Technical services - if you're capable of setting up a blog, installing a .html website, setting up an online script, or even programming for that matter then there's a mass of people willing to pay you!

Installation services - with the ever increasing number of 'turn-key' resell rights products there is a need for installation services hands down!

Seriously! It's NOT Rocket Science!

Many of these sevices you can learn (or have already learned) in just a few hours. Yet these simple skills can become your new cash cow.

If you've been doing affiliate marketing or selling your own products up until now with little or no success, then you should take a swing at selling services.

So Why Do Services Sell So Well?

There's a good reason...

Because people are lazy and they often don't know what they're doing either.

You can ride in on your white horse, save the day, and best of all get paid for it.

Don't Know What To Charge?... Don't Worry!

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you've even sold a single service before!

I'm going to take you by the hand and walk you through how you can make a big splash... maybe faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.

Why? Because this course was created from REAL experience.

And I can tell you now... There's nothing scary about selling services! Especially when you know how to get the right clients (which I'll show you.)

And here's the real beauty of it...

There are so many ways to generate clients, even if you don't have an e-mail list.

You've Probably Seen the Other Big Service Providers Out There

They never have to worry about where their next check is coming from.

They have relationships with their clients.

They're the go-to-guys and go-to-girls everyone goes to in order to get things done.

You can be sure there will ALWAYS be work available because services are ALWAYS in high demand and marketers need things done - ALL THE TIME!

Things change rapidly online, as you already know. You can always learn new skills to offer as a service if needed. But the demand for services never changes.

This ensures you're always in business And I Want To Show You How To Sell Many Types of Services In My New Video Course!

Introducing Personal Service Profits!...

Here's a quick look at what you'll discover inside:

How to determine what kind of service can be sold
How to determine what your strengths are
The best kinds of clients to get
Selling packages vs individual services
Types of services you can sell
The fastest and easiest ways to get paid
And even how to get others to do all of the work for you while you sit back and get a cut (optional)

Let's take a closer look at the powerful information you're about to get your hands on!...

Why Selling Services is a Great Way to Make Money Online

• In this 2:19 video, you will learn why selling a service is a quicker way to make money than selling products.

• Learn about the differences between services and product sales.

• Learn more about premium prices.

• Gain a better understanding of competition in services verses competition in product sales.

What Services to Sell

• In this 6:28 video, you will discover what kind of services can be sold online.

• You will learn more about design services, such as creating banners, logos, business cards, and headers for web pages.

• You will also learn about writing services, such as article creation, blog content, or ghost writing.

• Finally, you will gain a better understanding of technical services that you can sell online, such as installing Word Press, setting domain names, or even editing a website’s hosting account.

What Your Strengths Are

• In this 3:58 video, discover how to determine which skills you are best at.

• How to begin, research what kind of work is available and determine which skills you have that earn you money.

• Learn how to quickly search through websites like Warriorforum.com and Odesk.com for jobs.

• Finally, write or type a list of skills you possess.

Places to Get Work

• In this 5:12 video, learn more about websites where you can immediately discover work online.

• A look at iWriter, how to make an account, and learn more about how the website assigns work to you.

• A look at Fiverr, which is a website where most jobs pay five dollars for odd jobs.

• How to use Warrior Forum, Odesk, and Freelancer to learn more about posting for jobs and bidding on jobs.

Selling Packages vs. Services

• In this 4:19 video, you will learn more about packaging services.

• Find out more about how to market your packages to earn more money and sell items successfully.

• Investigate which services will mesh well together for packaging purposes.

Selling Design Services

• In this 3:51 video, you will discover more about how to sell services by using Photoshop, and other programs, to create banners and headers for websites.

• Look closer at 99Designs, a website used by competitive designers to sell their designs.

• Also take a closer look at the WarriorForum for-hire forums, where other designers gather to sell their designs by posting ads.

Selling Writing Services

• In this 4:13 video, you will take a closer look at selling writing services.

• Writing services are the most in-demand service on the internet, and iWriter is the best place to begin.

I• nvestigate Fiverr and Warrior Forum, two websites where writers and editors can find work very quickly.

Selling Technical Services

• In this 3:32 video, find out more about technical services.

• Find out why Odesk is the best website for finding technical services.

• How Fiverr is also a quick place to find money quickly.

• Why the hiring forum in Warrior Forum is also a successful means of providing jobs for technical services.

Selling Wordpress Installation

• In this 3:01 video, you will learn more about how Fiverr and other websites will pay for a Wordpress installation.

• Learn how hundreds of jobs, paying five dollars apiece, can net over one thousand dollars.

• Finally, consider learning other services that can be completed quickly and will, over time, earn you more money.

Selling Turn-Key Packages

• In this 2:28 video, turnkey packages are discussed as a viable means to sell a service.

• First, learn what a turnkey package is.

• Second, listen to how easy it is for the customer to buy and use your services.

Setting up PLR for People

• In this 3:33 video, you will listen to the steps needed for setting up PLR packages as a service.

• Offer a done-for-you setup service, and after the service is purchased you will set up an entire site with a special offer.

• Not many people offer this service, so it is very effective in attracting customers if advertised correctly.

Selling Services Offline

• In this 2:37 video, you will be given some information on how to advertise, find, and learn more about offering services to local business that did not have a webpage previously.

• Find out why you can charge more for offline services.

• Receive good suggestions for what services to provide.

Small Jobs Big Paydays

• In this 2:53 video, you will be given several tips on how to receive more money for your services.

• If you work for iWriter, make an effort to be polite and courteous.

• After the job is complete, write an email offering a special discount for a packaged deal.

Fastest Ways to Get Paid

• In this 2:24 video, you will learn more about PayPal, which is the fastest means of receiving payment for online work.

• Learn more about how PayPal operates.

• Find out more about how PayPal will keep your money safe, even with clients from separate countries.

Best Kind of Clients

• In this 3:35 video, the best types of clients to work for are discussed in two separate categories.

• For packaged services, the best type of client is a person who is new to the system or their business.

• For individual services, the best clients are people who give clear, specific instructions.

Outsourcing the Work

• In this 3:34 video, learn more about how to find other people to do work for you.

• Simply, you can use the same services used to find jobs, such as Fiverr, to post jobs.

• Services are offered inexpensively online, but can be charged at higher prices to businesses that are not online.

Time is Money

• In this 2:42 video, you will listen about why to be cautious about rendering services.

• Learn to prioritize work, or when you render services realize that time spent not working is time that does not net you money.

• Be wary of overbooking yourself.

Watch A Sample Video NOW to Get Started!


From Now On You Can Let Services Keep You In Financial Order - And Kick That 'Traditional' Job Aside!

Want to pay the car bill?... Sell your service!

Want to pay the mortgage?... Sell your service!

Want to save up for your next vacation?... Sell your service!

After 2 hours you'll discover everything you need to know to get started selling your own services to the best customers.

And every hour, every day, every week, and every year after that you'll be using the same skills to get new customers and sell your services!

That's why this will be perhaps the most valuable training course you take this year.

What's it worth to you to be up and selling services in just hours from now?

What's it worth to you to secure your future by learning these simple tactics today?

What's it worth to you to become a go-to-guy or go-to-girl to webmasters and internet marketers everywhere who are happy to hand over hard earned money for your services?


Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make money on the internet! If you're serious about setting up your own business and expect to sell frequently, then you simply CANNOT run a successful business without the knowledge found in Personal Service Profits - just ask the pros (that's if they're not too busy to answer you because they're busy making money using the same system!)

DO NOT start buying loads of 'how to make money' eBooks online. A lot of them talk fluff and don't give you the full picture. Plus it's harder to understand something read than it is to see someone actually performed and done on video!

Learn to walk before you run and start with the basics. Grab your copy of Personal Service Profits now whist it's still fresh in your mind!


Get Started Today! You Can Be Watching Personal Service Profits In Less Than 90 Seconds From Now!

That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later.. You can start watching these videos instantly!

This new breakthrough book is a guide, really. A guide as a result of years of HARD work, trial and error, tweaking and refinement... all of which I'm sure you don't want to go through yourself!

This is truly a one-of-a-kind course that CANNOT and WILL NOT be found offline because it's NOT something marketed to the 'masses', rather just quietly available in the corner for those that want to take advantage of it!

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You're also protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee so that even if you're not fully satisfied with the quality of the information or the product you will be refunded 100%.

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You see whether or not you've bought anything online, or read similar books on this subject, we're so confident that we will be delivering something new and fresh to you that would be otherwise be impossible to get anywhere else!

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Make Full Use Of Your Knowledge Right Away And Get A Real Look At What You're Getting!

The price I’m charging for this video course is minimal when you consider the fact that you can use these strategies to build a new source of income for yourself for life! Is that something worth trading?

Remember that if you fail to take action today, things will not get better… at least not immediately. So make sure you take action and get a copy of this course right away!

Here's How To Order In 3 Easy Steps!

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3. Access and watch! It couldn't be easier! You'll have instant access to the course straight after payment even if it's 3:00am in the morning. That's the beauty of the internet, always on, always there! And should you need any further assistance, we always online to help.

So go ahead, proceed to the form below, agree and understand the terms and order in complete confidence and we'll see you on the inside!


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Personal Service Profits

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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