Stop SLAVING away at the PC day and night trying to get one task done!..”

Super-Charge Your Productivity, Start Delegating, Become More Decisive, Take Massive Action & Control Of Your Business!

Thursday 10th of October
From The Desk Of Eric Morris
Full Time Internet Marketer

Most people who enter business online are usually on a tight budget. Agree? While the benefits of starting a 'virtual' type of business is almost unlimited and its profit potential can be enormous - as you can see from how much the Internet Marketing gurus are making every day, year in and year out - the problem is that most people are often doing this business...


Here's the thing: driving traffic to your website is a necessary daily operation. It's something you have to do every day if you want to grow your business. And if you know anything about smart business delegation, then surely you know that anything that can be done every day is now worth outsourcing to someone else to do it, right?

Maybe you've not thought of it before.

Or maybe you did... but your tight budget doesn't allow room for outsourcing. Perhaps outsourcing is risky and yes it can be... if you don't know anything about it!

See this diagram below and compare it with how you're working now..

Are you still tinkering around with some HTML code? Are you still 'testing' a traffic generation technique and unsure as to whether or not it will pay off? Are you still struggling to make your first eCover for your product, only to realize that it's not good enough and doesn't do it any justice? Then my friend it's possible you could be wasting your time!

You may have to stand back from what you're doing, re-think your strategy and shift gears because if you're still hacking away and getting nowhere, your destination to online fortune will still be a long long way.

Option 1 - What Happen's If You Go Solo?

The more you attempt to save and do things yourself, the more of your own energy and time your using. Likewise, the more you invest or outsource, the less time and energy of your own you need.

The more you attempt to do things for yourself and entirely by yourself, the more days will pass you by along with you feeling drained and burnt out. You won't be turning a profit yet because you're too busy working.

Option 2 - What Happen's If You Team Up?

When you get others to work for you, your time becomes more productive, you get more done and your energy levels will be high. The only time spent will be the time managing and checking on other's work. You still won't be turning a profit yet, in fact you're already in the minus, but you're already in a better position for launch i.e. promoting your product.

If you're still going solo, the launching phase of your product will come much later and when that time does come around, you're already fustrated and tired and most likely would want to take a long break before hacking away at it again...

What Is Your Time Really Worth?

If you make $10 an hour, then a job that can be outsourced for $5 an hour is worth your time. Therefore it is worth going ahead. Alternatively if the outsourced work is worth $20 an hour but requires a specialized skill, then you have to consider the time required if you were to attempt it yourself. Even then, will it be up to the standard that you want it to be? Why try something that you can only get a B grade at best on when someone else can do it for you at A+ grade in less time?

This is why smart people in the online and offline world outsource!

They make use of the talents, strengths and skills of others and recognise their own weaknesses. They gel the work of many into one. This is working smart. This is what 'Pay A Professional' is all about!

Introducing... Pay A Professional!

The Experience Marketer's Secrets To Building Your Empire Faster Than Ever!

Module 1: Outsourcing

In this first installment of videos we're going to go into detail about outsourcing and doing freelance work.

For Owners Of Growing Businesses:

• How to get the best deal - Learn how to outsource your day-to-day business operations and product creation chores to freelancers cheap! Owners of rapidly expanding businesses usually fall prey to having the lack of time.

• How to avoid getting scammed - baby steps to making negotiations that are in your favor when dealing with anonymous freelancers for the first time.

• How to spot honest and hardworking people, take care of legal issues, and detect for 'red flags'.

• And how to free your time, slash your stress by half, and double your profits in less than one week!

You'll be learning from someone who has years of experience in this area as a freelancer and buyer, has lost 100's of hours of time and $1000's from scammers. You will be taught what to avoid and what to look out for!

For Freelancers Who Are Looking To Get More Clients:

• How to capture the hungry clients - Can write? Can do programming? Got a flair for graphic and web designing? Learn how to get clients who are already looking for you using the Internet.

• Learn how to negotiate and get clients to pay at the price you ask for.

• How to build an impressive portfolio and attract potential clients to you instead of your competitors... like bees to honey!


Video #1: An Overview of Two Different Perspectives - The Freelancer and The Buyer

In this introduction, you'll be given an overview of two different perspectives. How you can find profitable jobs as a freelancer and how you could outsource your business operations as the buyer. You can easily tap into both these perspectives or just one.

If you're taught to see only from one perspective freelancer or buyer, then I can guarantee that you won't be as efficient in getting high bids as a freelancer or getting quality bids as a buyer. It's just like real life, if you can't see two perspectives then you can strengthen yourself on that one perspective.


Video #2: Popular Sites That Bring Freelancers And Buyers Together

There hundreds of sites out there that bring freelancers and buyers together, however the question is which was is the best? If you don't know already, many freelance sites actually specialize in different areas, even though they don't advertise it. Some sites are better for finding programmers or programming jobs. Some are better in graphic design, article writing, and more. We'll go over a few of the popular ones. You will learn several techniques later on how you can spot as a freelancer which sites are more profitable for you to go on, and which are not.


Video #3: The Freelancer: Bidding For Jobs - What You Need to Know Before

Before you get started trying to find jobs on freelance sites, there are several things you must know and prepare beforehand. Otherwise you will waste a lot of time and it will only end up in more headaches. For example, in this video you will start brainstorming about what you as a freelancer will be selling, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and much. More so, you need to understand a buyers basic perception when they come into these sites and how different buyers in your market are thinking.


Video #4: The Freelancer: How to Increase Your Bid Acceptance and Long Term Relationships with Your Buyers

So you learned in video 3, what you needed to know before you got started. Now that you have that information in hand ready to go, let's talk about how you as the freelancer can stand out among your competition. Depending on the site you go into, you can have 10-30 other freelancers competing and bidding on the project you are trying to get.

There are specific things buyers will look out for when they go through the bids. Many freelancers make the mistake of just jumping in and wondering why no one accepts their bid. You will learn what they look for, so you can get ahead of the rest of the freelancers. Also, if you watch the videos on the buyers perspective, I guarantee that you will get better view of what the buyer is looking for.


Video #5: The Buyer: How to Save Time and Outsource Your Business Projects

If you learn what is in this video, I guarantee that you will be able to avoid the same mistakes I made losing lots of time and money.

As the buyer, understanding the freelancer perspective, is good as well, but as the buyer you have more say so, since you are dishing out the money. In this video you will get a good view of how you should create your project so that you don't waste time and you attract the right type of freelancer. You se... for example, many buyers make un-realistic expectations without knowing it; and attract the wrong type of freelancer and it only ends up in more confusion and headaches later on. You'll get a short lesson in Hiring 101, which you can use in many aspects of outsourcing your business operations.

Did you know as a buyer, you have a partial impact on your freelancer's output? You probably didn't know this, but a good experienced buyer can easily help the freelancer create a better design, article, or program. Remember, it goes both ways in reality and you'll learn how to better approach this.


Video #6: The Buyer: Hiring Freelancers - Spotting Honest and Hardworking People, Legal Issues, How to Avoid Being Scammed and Cheated, and Red Flags

Most people will look at the feedback someone receives and make that the determing factor as to whether they will choose the person or not. Just like you and I, we have our ups and downs, personal problems that can keep us from our work. However on the deeper side of things, there are scammers out there with great feedback that will take advantage of you. Using feedback is fine if it is a partial factor, and there are actually several measures you can combine together to see whether someone will scam you or not.

I've had over 5 projects go sour, after getting excuses for months on end and losing over $5000 due to scammers; with perfect feedback ratings. On the flip side, there were several with no feedback, and became long term 2 year+ relationships.

We'll also talk about legal issues, which is a good measure. You know that different countries have different understandings of legal issues, so you have to know what to look out beforehand to keep yourself safe.


Module 2: Outsourcing Your Traffic Generation

In the second installment of this course, we'll look at how to outsource your traffic generation. Generating targeted traffic to your websites is a must, but who says you have to do it all by yourself? In these video series, you will unearth the jealously guarded secrets that most Internet Marketing top guns are fighting to keep it just that: a secret.

How to leverage your traffic generation efforts on other people's effort, other people's website and take advantage of the Web 2.0 phenomenon to...

Boost your website traffic into OVERDRIVE mode!

Explode your sales volumes by leaps and bounds!

Grow your business exponentially!

• And do it all with less effort!

Video #1: Introduction and Brainstorming

There many types of traffic that you can outsource, but before you jump out and start investing in all the different types of traffic you're about to see in this video series, it's very important to figure out what traffic types would most benefit your business. In this video, you'll learn how to brainstorm before you invest to much and dig yourself into a deep hole and what we'll be talking about in the future videos.


Video #2: Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a powerful way to promote a website because these types of sites allow people to share valuable sites they have found with people of the same niche; in this case your niche. Now it can become very tedious and time consuming to submit to many Social Bookmarking sites, so you'll need people to do it for you, so you can focus on the more important parts of your business. You'll learn about a great site that we'll point you too; and other sites you can use to get people to do the hard labor for you.


Video #3: Press Release Writing and Submission

Not using Press Release Marketing to promote your business? Press releases are more so news based items, but anytime you launch a new product, a new service, and anything that can be related to news, you should be using Press Releases or else you are missing out big time. You'll learn how to find good press release writers and people to submit them manually to PR sites, so you can get hundreds of links back to your site; gaining better search engine ranking and traffic.


Video #4: Article Submission

Content Content Content! Article Marketing allows you to spread valuable content around the 'net and as you know good content builds trust between your prospects and your business. This method can be used to spread your article to thousands of sites, therefore bringing in tons of targeted traffic. Now writing an article can sometimes take 15-30 minutes, but if you want to write many articles on a constant basis, it can take up lots of your time. Why not just outsource it? With that said, you'll learn a specific method that will allow you to setup a system where you may outsource some of your submission in the beginning, but you will be able to submit articles yourself w/o any future costs.


Video #5: Blog Creation & Blog Comments

Search Engines love blogs; that's all there is too it, but maintaining blogs can become very time consuming. There are ways you can split up the jobs so you can save time and money. Blog Comments is a method of marketing where you go to Blogs of your niche and respond with "legitimate" comments to the blog posts. This method is white hat and allows you to stay on those blogs for a long time; reaping constant traffic back to your site. You'll need to find someone who is very reputable when you're doing blog comments and who actually reads them; so you'll learn more about that in this video.


Video #6: Social Networking

You've heard it all; everyone is using Social Networking to spread the word. Social Networking sites like Myspace, Facebook, and many more have become part of many people's lives. Being able to use these sites to market yourself and market your products is a must. But just like the traffic types as above, they take time. However, since you are dealing directly with building relationships with Social Networking, you must decide what part of Social Networking traffic you will outsource and which you will not. You'll learn more about that in this video.


Wait! That's Not All!...

Act Now To Receive The Pay A Professional Written Manual In PDF Format!

• What is Outsourcing?
Advantages of Outsourcing
• How to Hire
Questions to Ask
• Pricing and How to Negotiate
How to Find a Provider
• Software Outsourcing
Outsourcing and Ghostwriters
• Other Projects
Different Projects Require Different Procedures
• and much more..


“Which One Would You Prefer?”

Would you want to do everything by yourself and rely on 100% of your efforts to mobilize your business... or leverage on 1% of over 100 people's efforts to engineer profits and success?

The choice is clear.

Smart Webmasters Get Targeted Traffic To Their Websites.. Smarter People Get OTHER People To Draw Traffic To Their Sites!

How much is it worth to you if you can afford to un-shoulder the burden of paying the upkeeps to your business starting today, and let someone else do all the traffic generation work for you?

There are ways you can achieve this even on a shoe string budget, free your time and double your income and traffic count triple as much.

For many reasons, I could be letting all these go for the investment price of $297. But I want to make this easily available to you. Click the order button below to get started!

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Pay A Professional

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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