Double, Triple, Even Quadruple Your Sale Transactions Using A Prestigious System That ALL The TOP MARKETERS Use and 100% Swear By!...”

Yes! You Too Can Start Making Your Own ‘Guru-Style’ One-Time Offers Even If You've Never Made One Before!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

If you've been purchasing products online or selling them, you have likely experienced One Time Offers. To setup a successful and high converting One Time Offer, you need to plan it out carefully.

The biggest mistake I see people make is jumping onto this bandwagon and just picking any product they see and turn it into a One Time Offer.

Sorry, Big Mistake!

Once you understand the psychology behind why buyers purchase OTO's and why certain OTO's are more successful than others, I guarantee that your OTO's will begin to convert better for you.

Does this sound like you?...

"I've heard how OTO's can double my profits, but I don't know where to start?..."

"I spent 3 hours setting up my OTO and still no sales, what am I doing wrong?..."

If you can relate to any of these, then.. this may be the most important page you've ever read! The technique you are about to learn about is new, easy-to-use and the best part of all… it works.

By now you’ve heard of the up-sell. Most people in sales and marketing get stuck in a rut. They try to up sell their customer’s without realizing the true power behind other, more effective marketing tactics like the one time offer, or OTO.

It’s Time To Get The Skinny On The OTO & Learn How To Put It To Work For You!

If you are determined to double or triple your sales, you’ve finally reached the right place to start your journey.

Your journey starts with learning everything there is to know about the one time offer, which we will refer to throughout as the “OTO”.

What is a one-time offer (OTO) and how can you benefit from it?

An OTO is a proposal made to a potential customer when they have a single chance to buy something. Since the arrival of direct marketing, OTO's have gained popularity.

Why? Because the one time offer is the most powerful marketing tool available today. Using the one time offer, you have the power to increase every purchase your customer makes, time and time again.

Are you an Internet marketer looking to increase your profits without building a new site? Then an OTO may be just the thing you are looking for.

A One Time Offer Is Something That Can Make You A LOT Of Money IF You Know What You Are Doing…

Which brings us to our point. I’d like to share with you some important information about one time offers. One time offers are limited offers.

If you want to succeed in sales, you have to learn how to use OTO’s to your benefit.

Typically an OTO is a limited time offer presented during an existing offer. It is a one-time chance for a customer to take advantage of a special sale or opportunity. It is an opportunity for the seller to sell their customer something above and beyond their first buy.

In true form, the one time offer is offered after a sale is imminent on an existing product, for a similar product or service that may increase the value of the customer’s current purchase…

Here’s what you need to learn now to use the one time offer effectively:

tickHow to create an interesting OTO that heightens the customer’s buying experience or use of the current product sale.

tickProven techniques for pitching clever one time offers that work almost every time.

tickTools for creating exciting, relevant and unexpected OTO’s that will delight your customer and increase the value of their purchase significantly.

tickHow to present an OTO in a way that doesn’t make your customer feel uncomfortable or pressured.

tickWhen to offer an OTO so it is more likely to gain acceptance and so your customer is more likely to buy from you again and again.

tickDiscover the #1 question your customers are going to ask when you present them with an OTO, and how to answer.

  tickWhat the best OTO is and how to incorporate it when selling anything, anytime, anywhere.

Imagine effortlessly converting a $12 sale to a $120 sale. That’s a big leap in the right direction!

A one time offer can be done in almost any place a sale would occur… and is THE most valuable strategy in your toolkit, IF you know how to use it…

OTO’s work for anyone, whether you are selling e-books, blankets, house goods, marketing material… the list goes on and on. How do you make an OTO work?

You have to create a high perceived value in your customer’s mind. That means what you are offering has to appear valuable to your customer. If it doesn’t, then they won’t go for it.

It can’t be that easy, can it? It can!

Your job is to give the customer everything they want without losing a profit. By doing so you will maximize your profit.

Sound confusing? There’s good news. Now you can learn everything there is to know about the one time offer in one convenient place.

You don’t have to attend fancy marketing seminars. You don’t have to spend hours in line at the bookstore.

In just two minutes, you can learn everything there is to know about the OTO. You can convert $12 to $120 or even $1200 or more. Here’s how.

Introducing... One-Time Offer Blueprints!... The System All Gurus Use To Capture More Sales!

In this special course, you'll have access to 7 content packed videos that will show you how to really create One Time Offers that convert.

What makes this video series different than the rest?...

Unlike most videos that just go straight into showing you what to do, you will be shown the psychology behind this material, why you need to do it, and what you must avoid. Once you get a better picture, it will stick in your minds forever you will succeed at a faster rate.

Module 1: What Are One-Time Offers?

If you only sell a product on the front end and you have no backend, you are losing out big time. One Time Offers can often triple or quadruple your profits and if setup correctly, can sell easier because your customers already have their foot in the door. In this video, you'll learn what a One Time Offer is and misconceptions that you'll want to avoid.

Module 2: The Psychology Behind Successful One-Time Offers

Understanding the guidelines of how to create a successful One Time Offer is the most important part that most people forget to take. Don't be like the rest of the crowd that just jumps in and tries to make any product a One Time Offer only to realize you have wasted your time. I've done it and I don't think you will want to either. The key is to know what makes a successful OTO and what makes an unsuccessful OTO. You'll learn just that in this video.

Module 3: The One-Time Offer Flow Chart

Once you understand what makes OTOs successful, in this video, you'll learn where an OTO fits in this whole process. How many sales pages will you need and how many download pages will you need? While the process can be simple, it doesn't need to be.

Module 4: Live Test Example

With good reason, videos one through three give you an educational view of what One Time Offers are all about. In this video, we'll take some action by finding a live test example, so you can take what you learned in the previous videos and put them in action.

Module 5: Creating Your Offer Page
And Download Page

Your One Time Offers sales page is similar to a regular sales page, but there are a few things you'll need to add and watch out for while writing it. What should you watch out for?

Module 6: Connecting Your Front-End Offer To Your One-Time Offer

Now that you've created your OTO sales page and download page, you'll need to connect it with your front end sales page. But How? Watch this video and learn how.

Module 7: Using Scripts To Make The Process Easier

While you could setup your OTO manually without any scripts, you won't be able to make it a true OTO. Your customers could simply bookmark the OTO and come back to it one month later, and you'd lose your credibility because the next time you offer an OTO, they won't take you seriously. So how do you make the page disappear after they've exited the OTO sales page? Simple, use scripts and some basic code you'll find in this video.

Selling Digital Products Has Never Been Easier Now That You Know The Secret To Creating Hot Selling One-Time Offers!

If you've tried your hand at one-time offers before and they haven't converted well at all or you've never done them before, grab this video series now and increase your conversions by 5, 10, 20, 30, or even 40 percent! Of course this depends on how you follow these guidelines and how you setup your OTO, but better conversions is what you need, and you'll want to view this videos series.

Here is just a small sample of what you’ll receive when you read One Time Offers Blueprints:

tickLearn what the OTO is and how you can use it to transform $12 into $1200 or more.

tickLearn how to make sure your OTO’s are well received and not mistaken for cheesy sales tactics.

tickLearn how to create a free giveaway with an OTO to encourage customers to buy even more from you, no matter the products or services you sell.

tickFind out how to use the upgrade style OTO so you can benefit from an even more powerful sale pitch.

tickDiscover what the #1 question your customers are going to ask themselves after hearing an OTO is, and how to respond.

tickLearn how to create a simple, directed and to the point OTO that customer’s cannot turn down.

tickFind out how the most frequent OTO is shaped and handed down so you can use OTO’s effectively.

tickLearn how to write an OTO that sells every time in just minutes instead of hours.

tickDiscover quick tips to improve your OTO and create a high perceived value in your customer’s mind, so they find your OTO irresistible.

tickLearn how to theme an OTO towards a previous offer to create a natural and positive buying relationship.

tickFind out what a pop under is and how it can make you big bucks regardless of your industry or the business you run.

tickDiscover how to make OTO’s work for your e-book business, and how easy it is to double or triple your profits by doing so.

You can view these seven videos immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping or out of my office, you can still download it instantly.

Just Imagine, once you've got your one-time offer correctly set up you will..

Increase the number of sales transactions on every product you create..

Increase your profits on every sale you make on your main offer!..

Increase your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly online income just because you added one small alteration to your sales funnel!..

Increase your chances of getting affiliates to willingly promote your product simply because you've got more offers in transaction which means more commission for them!..

Finally have the confidence to put together a one-time offer that's worth while! No more second-guessing your business and whether or not a technique works. This is the real deal!..

Finally have the skill to put together a one-time offer suited to your main offer. Not only that but with a bit of practice you'll be able to see one-time offer opportunities arising everywhere!..

Finally make your Email promotions pay off just because you added a one-time offer to your sales funnel! Even if you've got a small list, you WILL benefit from this because you'll get paid extra from the same customer, rather than finding new ones!..

And because I am so confident that you will be cranking out your own mini sites with little sweat after watching my video tutorials, I am even staking my reputation on it with my solid, iron-clad 60 day money back guarantee.

YES! Let Me Secure My Copy Now!

tick YES Eric! I understand that I will be getting access to 'One Time Offer Blueprints' straight after payment.
tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
tick YES! Eric I also understand that if I'm not happy with the course or still can't make more money from using it, I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!
Click Here To Buy Now

Order Now Only $37 $17

One Time Offer Blueprints

Yes see the results for yourself! Most, if not all marketers are applying this technique not just in the internet marketing niche, but in ALL niches! This method can be applied in nearly all aspects of marketing!

Start doubling your money just with your very own one-time offers! Learn how to turn $12 into $120 or $1200. It’s easy. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or even a marketing guru. All you do have to do is follow the tactics and strategies outlined in One Time Offers Blueprints! Get your copy now!


To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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