Want To Start Marketing Outside The Box And Charge Higher Prices?...

Tap Into The Offline Goldmine By Performing Simple, Yet Profitable Services For Offline Businesses That Are Begging You To Do Them!”

New Video Series Maps Out The Way For You To Increase Your Profits In A Booming And Lucarative Industry!...

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

There are many offline marketers who are making 4, 5, and even 6 figures by consulting offline businesses with basic online marketing techniques. That is a booming and lucrative industry and I know this because I've been moving part of my business offline.

Now why is it lucrative?

The offline market is lucrative for an online marketer, because many offline businesses don't know much about how to utilize online techniques to gain prospects. Many are relying on offline marketing techniques that just aren't converting and are dying out! They are using them because of pure ignorance, and spending ten's of thousands and wondering why they are not gaining anything back.

Here's your chance not only to save them money, and to help them, but in turn it will help you.

You see...lately there has been a rush of video products teaching online marketers how you can help offline businesses. A lot of these videos are great by teaching you how to approach business owners and close the deal which is necessary!

Once you've closed the deal and given these offline businesses several services, then what? They are they are going be hungry for more services, especially if you've helped them before.

Are there any benefits to helping offline businesses?

Yes there sure are, let me point them out to you..

You instantly deliver more value offline than you do online. Therefore even an asking price of $497 for a one-off fix (which may be expensive online) would seem like a great deal for them.

You build a real-world working relationship with offline businesses. Because you deliver what you've promised, they will want more of your excellent services such as helping them maintain their position in the search engine, advising them with pay-per-click and even building an online store!

A chance to build recurring income! As you may already know, keeping a website at the top of the search engines requires a constant build-up of backlinks over time. If the offline business you're helping have benefitted from high rankings who do you think they'll turn to in order to keep them at the top?

The big misconception I hear from offline business owners is that they don't need a website because they aren't selling online. Now as tons of people are using the internet, and even doing their research about a business before buying from them, it is vital for offline brick and mortar businesses to access these searchers. So if their competition knows how to use this, they will soon be wiped off.

For many offline business owners, this is a secret, and they don't understand it and that's where you come in.

In any economy, recession or booming, businesses must turn to marketing to find their customers...and that's why during a bad economy, so many businesses with this attitude of not needing a website...FAIL!

This big need will allow you to tap into offline business markets that will beg you for your help and because there are thousands among thousands of offline businesses in a down economy, you maybe even their last resort!

This video series was made for online marketers who want to sell services to offline business, in terms of SEO; or how how to help offline businesses rank better in Google.

As a fact, most of the world uses Google to search. 65% to be exact of the search engine traffic belongs to Google. So most likely they have heard of Google and Yahoo. So it would be wise for you to focus on the basics and for them to use these two systems.

This step by step 6 part video series that takes you by the hand and shows you how to perform very simple services for offline businesses that can land you a couple thousand dollars, and help them get more customers! It's a win-win situation!

Video #1 - Introduction

Remember that this is about you, the online marketer helping offline businesses. Realize that offline businesses don't know a whole lot, so you have to keep things simple in the beginning. In this video, you will learn how to keep things simple for them.

Video #2 - What Offline Business Need

Remember that some Offline Businesses will live in the dinosaur age of marketing, so they do need some convincing. So when explaining to them what they need, it has to be very very simple, yet hit their hot spots, so they realize why it is important. You'll learn the basic tools they need to get started. Once you have these in hand, you can move on to videos 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Video #3 - Making SEO-Friendly Websites

Many offline businesses don't have a website, but some do. Even the ones that do, normally don't have SEO friendly websites. This is why SEO basics can be so important. Yes, they are basic, but to the regular offline business, it's complex. There's onsite optimization and offsite optimization. The last three videos will help with some of the offsite optimization which can lead to ongoing services.

Video #4 - Google Local Business

Many prospects will go to google to find a business in their area. If the offline business is not located in this directory, then it makes it hard for prospects to find them. Now there are a few tips and tricks that offline businesses must have, because being listed in the directory in itself won't do much good. If the business' competitor has done all that is listed in this video, they will literally take a large amount of the market.

Video #5 - Yahoo Business Directory

Google Local is powerful, but let's not forget Yahoo's business directory. There are millions of people using this directory, because while Google local is powerful, Yahoo business directory can often carry information about a business that Google does not that. Therefore, it's good to be listed in both directories for maximum exposure. 

Video #6 - Craigslist Ads

Craigslist is no doubt another powerful source of marketing. While it has it's disadvantages, it has a lot of advantages for offline businesses. By now you will have gotten extreme exposure for your offline business customer. What about an ongoing service that you could provide that not only gets more prospects to your customer's website, but more recurring income for you? I'll also show you how to outsource your craigslist ad posting for a small monthly fee. With just two or three customers, you will be able to make this fee up quick, and start bringing in recurring income. So think about that. An extra $500-1000+ per month on autopilot.

So order your copy of 'Offline SEO Profits' today in complete confidence! But just before you do, please rest assured that you are backed by a completely risk-free guarantee!..

Okay, here’s the deal.. follow the link below, download your copy, watch the videos and apply the techniques and if you come out of it no better than you are now, I’ll be more than happy to provide you with a full and prompt hassle-free refund.

I’m so confident that you will making money from our techniques that you’ll be thanking me for them! If for any reason you’re not happy with the quality of the videos or for whatever reason, simply forward your transaction receipt me for a quick and painless refund.

The whole reason these videos were created is so that good marketers like you have a chance to better yourself and work smarter by taking the time to improve your business! Order your copy in complete confidence today and I’ll see you in inside!

So...with that said, don't walk, but run. Grab your copy of 'Offline SEO Profits' now and take your business to the next level. This is a concise collection of in depth videos on how to create and build your own offline network, that don't go over just the basics like the ones out there today.

Whether you technology phobe, or an experienced marketer, I guarantee that you'll gain some great information from this simple and easy to understand video series.

You don't have to wait. You can view this video immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping, you can still download it instantly.

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Offline SEO Profits

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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