Video Marketing Will Never Be The Same Again...!

Boost Your Web Traffic, Skyrocket Your Popularity & Grab unparamount Publicity For Next-To-Nothing With Simple Short Videos!”

The Future Is Already Here... With The Emergence Of Video Streaming, You CANNOT Afford To Miss Out On This Exponentially Growing Opportunity...

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Just a decade ago, the web had nothing more than text and images. Then came audio streaming and MP3. Internet users started downloading MP3 musics from P2P networks. The Internet had slightly more to offer.

Up until this point, video streaming was, for most parts of the world, impossible. After that, the first Internet broadband was introduced and in the mid-2000s more and more Internet users in developed countries started to hook up to the net with speed a thousand times faster than a mere 56k modem.

Then came video streaming sites like YouTube. Marketers now no longer have to depend on shipping CDs and DVDs when their customers can just download videos off the net after purchase, saving a bundle on shipping costs!

We're in the middle of history in the making. And yes you too are in the right place at the right time to tap into the power of video marketing. Be it you work in a team, a company, or even an Internet Marketer on a shoe-string budget.

It's still possible!

Why Video Marketing?

At this time of writing, is ranked no. 3 on Alexa, and is the leading video streaming site on the Internet! YouTube is receiving millions upon millions of visitors - from all walks of life and around the planet - each day. Every hour. Every minute. Even every second.

YouTube has been responsible for transforming ordinary individuals into Internet celebrities... and mediocre small businesses into mega profit-rakers!

The popularity of videos are constantly growing each day. This is partially owed to faster Internet connections now being made more and more easily available in most countries. It's only a matter of time when most people in the world will finally experience fast Internet connections and are inclined to favor watching videos - online!

"Unlimited Opportunity, But Where To Start?"

To achieve substantial results from video marketing you need to have the following ingredients in your video marketing campaign:

Interesting to view - if your videos are boring, there's no reason for your viewers to continue watching. Remember: they're one click away from closing the browser!

Viral property - it must be newsworthy so that your viewers will tell others, who then in turn tell others, about your video. Thus allowing you to leverage on the best form of advertising i.e. word of mouth!

Call to Action? This is usually missing and experienced marketers can tell the seasoned pros apart from the rest just by observing whether the video has a call-to-action of some kind.

But you're going to be in for a treat...

“Introducing Mass Video Formula...”

Step-by-Step to Get Laser-Targeted Traffic Using the Power Of Videos!

Here's a more detailed look at my step-by-step course:

Video 1 - Overview: Using Videos to Get Massive Traffic

Mass Video Formula

This first video talks you through the power of video, why you should include it in your marketing campaigns and the massive effect of traffic it can have on your websites. We'll be taking a deeper look at some interesting stats so you know this is not all theory.


Running Time: 07 minutes 10 seconds

Video 2 - Keyword Research Before Getting Started

Mass Video Formula
Next we take a look at keyword research, the strength of your competition and the types of backlinks you can and should acquire to rank your videos to the top of the search results. This is a key ingredient to making a successful video!


Running Time: 03 minutes 37 seconds

Video 3 - Types of Video That Will Go Viral

Mass Video Formula

The best videos are the ones that go viral and continue to bring in traffic years after you've released it. We'll take an in-depth look at the characteristics of these videos including case studies on videos that have over a million views.


Running Time: 08 minutes 00 seconds

Video 4 - How to Create Your Own Simple Video For Marketing

Mass Video Formula


Won't be going through step by step on how to use create a video with camtasia, etc, but I'll be giving a walkthrough on the equipments, tools and software they'll be needing.


Running Time: 06 minutes 10 seconds

Video 5 - Uploading and Search Engine Optimizing Your Video

Mass Video Formula


Search engine optimization stuff on youtube so that people can find your video easily on the Google and video directory search results.


Running Time: 05 minutes 04 seconds

Video 6 - How to Use Videos to Promote Your Products and Services to Skyrocket Your Sales

Mass Video Formula


The art of leveraging on video informercials to promote products you create or affiliate for, and optimize your conversion rates!


Running Time: 04 minutes 21 seconds

Video 7 - How to Distribute Your Video Everywhere on the Internet

Mass Video Formula


How to mass distribute your video for maximum exposure. Using tools like Tubemogul, traffic geyser, using videos for sales letter, affiliates embed, etc.


Running Time: 08 minutes 02 seconds


“So How Much Is Mass Video Formula Worth To You?”

When you consider all these rewards, your ROI is literally INFINITE because you've turned your Facebook account - a freely available but largest social networking site in the world - into an income producing house!

If you can gain the mastery of profiting from video for just $97, won't that be a total steal? Imagine: for just $97 you saved yourself months of unnecessary trial and error in exchange for frustrating, below average results.

And for less than one hundred dollars, you no longer have to beg or stalk any guru for their secrets!

But I'll do you better.

You're Fully Backed By Our 60 Day
Hassle-Free Guarantee!

So act now and don't put this off any longer. Because to put it bluntly: you are not the only person reading this letter now. Your would-be competitors are too. And you know the problem with saturated competition? You just wished you'd act sooner.

Don't regret later; do it now and monetizing videos is yours for the taking!

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tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
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Mass Video Formula

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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