6-Figure Marketer Reveals Why ‘Traditional’ List Building is Highly Over-Rated... and Why FREE Subscribers Are Killing Your Sales and Limiting Your Business Growth...

Watch this controversial video to discover the TRUTH about list building and why you could well be doing things the hard way...

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Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Most marketers will tell you that "the money is in the list" because list building is the number one way internet marketers have been making money online.

Buy why do you need to build a list? You want to build a list of subscribers and monetize your audience by promoting your offers and products to them. So all you need to do is to put up a landing page, give away a free offer and send traffic to build your list, right?

But what happens when you build a large list of subscribers and you barely make any sales?...

Is there something wrong with this equation? Imagine if everyone in your list only wanted the free stuff, do you think they will buy when you send them a paid offer?

Of course not!

So what's wrong here? The truth is, if you just build a list of freebie seekers you're just wasting your time because it's going to be useless.

“The Money is NOT in The List. It is in the BUYERS’ List!”

That's right, would you rather build a list of buyers who have paid for your product or get a bunch of freebie seekers? They're worth more than the usual subscribers because they've build a relationship with you.

So what are the advantages of having a buyer's list?...

More Responsive - Even a small list of buyer list can bring in more sales than a larger list of freebie subscribers

Spending History - people who have purchased from you before are more likely to buy again.

Sell more products easily - They are more open to promotions and offers.

The Trust factor - You've earned their trust the first time they made a purchase. They know you're not a snake oil salesman but an honest marketer who provides massive value.

Better type of people - Less complains and generally the high ticket customers have less problems than freebie seekers. So you take your pick.

Quality over Quantity - You don't need to build a huge list but a small list that's more focused and a higher quality. You will also save on your autoresponder fees because the bigger your list gets, the more you have to pay on your monthly charges.

With that said, let's dive right into what you'll discover in this course...

Module 1 - Introduction & Quick Overview

In this video, you will be given a quick introduction and overview of the video course itself so you know exactly what to expect.

Module 2 - Different Types of Customer Lists

Before we discuss how to build a high-converting list, it's crucial to be able to discuss the different types of lists that you can build so you understand and are able to differentiate between them as you build your campaigns. As such, this video will give you an eye-opening experience of why we will focus heavily on one list type.

Module 3 - Highest Converting List and How This Works

Ever wondered why certain lists convert better than others? Well, in this video we will talk about the blueprint of the highest converting list and how all of this works so you get a bird’s-eye view.

Module 4 - Formula for High Value 'Thank You' Offers

In this video, you will learn how to create high-value offers that will make vendors get extremely excited about what you are offering to their buyers’ list. We’ll also discuss things that you should avoid doing.

Module 5 - Finding Vendors to Piggyback On

Obviously, to build a high-quality buyers list, you must find vendors in your niche willing to do so, right? While there is a large amount of them, how do you find the ones interested in what you’re offering vs. the ones that aren't?

Module 6 - Vendor and Buyer Analysis

Once you find a niche, it's time to analyze your vendor and buyers to ensure that your thank you offers are as high of a quality that they will demand, so much so that they are even willing to pay for it.

Module 7 - Creating Quality TY Offers

Once you've done the proper research in the previous video, it's time to create your offers by putting everything that we have talked about into action.

Module 8 - Building List Method #1: Vendors

In this video, we will discuss how to approach these vendors with your specialized offers. We will also discuss what you must do and what you must avoid that can cost you the deal.

Module 9 - Building List Method #2: Affiliates

Keep in mind that it does take time to negotiate with vendors, so while you are doing that I'm going to show you another way to build your buyers list and utilize the strategy, without re-creating your offers and still building a profitable list virally

FACT: You Need a List of Buyers if You Want to Grow Your Business!

Imagine... Making double the sales from a tiny list of targeted prospects compared to having a large list of freebie seekers. This is the secret of the "Guru's" and it's never been revealed until today!

Imagine... Never have to worry about growing a bigger list every single time. Learn how to get a group of buyers into your list and you have your own little ATM machine ready to go.

The best part about it is, you're about to learn how leverage on this buyers list with this amazing guide...

“So How Much Is It?”

Before I reveal how much it costs, I'd like you to know that the number of pages doesn't reflect the quality of the information of this course. It will definitely help you build a list of buyers from scratch and the actual truth is, you're actually going to multiply your incomes many times over when you implement this strategy.

Think About It... If you can build your own list of motivated buyers in just a few days and sell a $30 product - if your sales letter converts at a 15% or even a 20% conversion rate, how much would you be earning?

Hundreds easily.

Possibly THOUSANDS of dollars!

And it's just by sending one email to your list of buyers. And that's not all...

Learn how to earn massive profits from a tiny list of buyers from this powerful course. Even if you apply just one tip from this guide, it's going to boost your income to the next level!

The power of email marketing combined with a super responsive list of rabid buyers is yours for the taking.

Place your order now by clicking on the button below. You will go through the process of purchasing my course online via the secure server and after successful authentication, you can access this course instantly... no matter what time of day!


Wait! That's Not All! ACT NOW & Receive Access to 10 Keys of Product Creation Success (Worth $47!)

Bonus Lesson 1 - The 10 Keys to Product Creation Success Overview

In this course we are going to put together a check list of things that you will have to keep in mind. Each video could be a course all by itself, in fact many of the points that are mentioned could take an hour to explain. Although it takes a lot of time to explain what you need to do to be successful, we will be giving you a short-detailed course on how to do this. In order to have a successful product sale you want to start taking some of what you’re making from previous products, and invest your earnings in the resources you will need to make your new product successful. With this in mind lets proceed to see what we can offer you in this course.

Bonus Lesson 2 - The 10 Rules of Internet Marketing

To be successful as an Internet Marketeer requires time and work, but first of all you will need to pay attention to your targeted audience, to what they need and how you can help them. Whatever you’re going to do, the rules you will learn now will be useful. In this video, we list the 10 rules that are required to be successful in the niche of internet marketing, and we explain them clearly with detailed examples.

Bonus Lesson 3 - The 7 Rs of Internet Marketing Product Creation

What are the elements of a successful product? What are the elements that will make people love to buy your products even before they see it? In this video you will get an insight on these questions.

When trying to learn new people the keys to success you will have to know what you’re talking about, you have to know the exact thing that helped you be successful. With detailed insights we give you concrete details on why we were successful and why you will be successful if you follow our guide.

You will learn how to use your success to influence the sales of your products to the future buyers, be aware that it may seems like a trivial thing, but this will boost your online productivity!

Bonus Lesson 4 - 7 Cs of Intrernet Marketing Product Creation

“Care! Those who watch, read and listen to you are real people … address their concerns” is one of the C’s or Internet Marketing. In every business satisfying your targeted audience should be your goal, we explain here how to do this.

If you can be unique, if you can create something that no one else has done before, then do it and use this advantage, creativity has no limits.

Learn what can you use to be interesting, to be creative, what defines you, what you’re the best at, if you’re good at talking, create some content that shows this, if you’re good with videos, communicate your ideas through creative videos.

Bonus Lesson 5 - 12 Points of Copywriting

What is copywriting? You can get a broad explanation online or you can get a detailed one with this course.

Here we explain how to get your customers to WANT to engage with you, you learn how not to spam them with countless offers. We give you the problems you can encounter and the solution for all those problems.

You learn how to generously give something valuable to a person, hot to get them to want to buy from you, not out of pressure, but because they will enjoy your content and help.

Bonus Lesson 6 - 8 Numbers That You Must Track

There is a minimum number of statistics that you need to keep track of in order to make good decision about your product creation business.

Make sure that you understand what these numbers mean and how you can use them to your advantage. Use these numbers to increase your standing with the customers and with your associates.

This is important for your overall performance and it’s the best thing you can do. Don’t be happy just for making sales! Keep a keen eye on everything. And by doing this you will be able to increase your return rate of your money and you will be able to launch another product and be successful every time you do this.

Bonus Lesson 7 - 10 Potential Profit Leaks

In every business if you don’t pay close attention to every detail, including the ones you think they’re not so important, you will, eventually, leave a few gaps that will make you lose money.

With this list we explain the most usual things that will lead you to potential profit leaks with few examples to make you understand easier what we are talking about

You automatically know that you should try anything you can to minimize any loses, that’s why with this video you will get the top things that you should keep in mind.

Bonus Lesson 8 - 5 Things To Make Your Product Stand Out

Not all marketers do all of the things we’re talking about in this video, you have to understand that if you want your product to stand out you will have to go the extra mile.

Some of the things we will talk about here are about how to present your product, how to make it more interesting, more appealing, take your time and make your product be the best in his niche.

Don’t forget about the needs of your clients, you can have the best product out there, but without a great support team and a prompt response to any enquires from the customers, your overall revenue will go down. Pay attention to this!

Learn how to surprise your customers with the perfect example… more about that in this video.

Bonus Lesson 9 - 17 Resources You Should Have For a Digital Products Business

Before starting any online business, you know you have to have a plan first, here we’re discussing, with examples, the most important resources you need for making your dream come true.

We’re explaining how to choose your domain name, the first important thing you will need to do, pay attention to this as an appealing name will be a big part of your business.

Bonus Lesson 10 - Tips For Reselling a PLR Course

After you succeeded in you dream and you’ve created a successful business with the tips we provided, you will think that you can make a profit even with the things you learned from this course.

Here you will see how to do this, how to use the same things you learned in here to create another course customized by you. If you think you can give a better example, if you think you can design a page better, now you have the chance.


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How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.


It Couldn't be Easier! Watch, Learn and Apply what you Need to Know... When you Need to Know it!

You have absolutely every reason to become successful online and with all this knowledge at your fingertips nothing will hold you back.

Use your new found knowledge to learn, grow and expand so you can attract more prospects, customers and clients.

Listen... it's not about trying to re-invent the wheel. Sometimes all it takes is knowing how to work with what's already in front of you to get the results you need.

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To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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