*Turn Cold Traffic into Buyers with 100% Done for You Sales Funnel with Funnel Fusion Technology!*

Grab a 100% Done for You Sales Funnel that Converts COLD Traffic & Opportunity Seekers into Excited Customers... Who Can't Stop Buying Your Offers!

Includes 10 Attractive Give-Away Reports,3 Video Sales Letters, $19.95 One-Time Offer, $9 and $7 Downsell, Linked-up Thank You Pages, 30-Day Email Campaign with Free Gifts, YouTube Affiliate Page Synchronization, Backend Commission System and Much More!

Perfect for Bloggers... Article Marketers... YouTubers... Solo Ads... Forum Traffic... Ad Swaps... Social Media Marketers and more!

Click Here to Turn Your Cold Traffic into Sales with Funnel Fusion

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

The hardest challenge you’ll face in your online business is converting traffic into sales. Sure, anyone can whip up an offer... get some traffic and hope for the best... But getting cold traffic to buy from you within the first few minutes of 'meeting' you requires skill.

You need an amazing offer... at a good price... and they need to like you... amongst other things.

On paper it's easy. But in reality, it's very hard to pull off.

...Even if the Entire Sales Funnel Process is Revealed Step by Step there's still an Underlying Problem.

Whether you like it or not the reality is you STILL need to do the work...

If you've watched our training videos you'll know what it takes to build a sales funnel. Even though everything is shown step-by-step... it still takes time and not everyone wants to do the work. And those that do the work, need more practice before they ever see results.

If that's you, then read every word on this page closely.


Custom Built Sales Funnels Are NOT Cheap!... Look at the REAL Prices You'll Pay Just to Have PARTS of Your Sales Funnel Built from Scratch...”

If you want to have professionals build a custom sales funnel for you from scratch... then expect to pay a minimum of $3,495 just for a basic setup. That doesn't even include a video script, voice-over, animation, video editing, or product creation for that matter.

If you want a high-performing video script written for you, then expect to pay at least $1,000 for a 5 minute script... and that's without anyone reading and recording the script, or creating a slide presentation, or animating the video. Take the cheap version and that's still $375 for a 3 minute script... again not a finished video.

Want a unique sales letter written for you?... Then expect to pay $910 for just 600 words of copywriting. To put that into perspective, the funnel you're about to get your hands on is made up of many sales pages... one of which has over 4,400 words... another has over 2,543 words for a total of 7,100 words. That's over 10 times the amount of written sales content.

Want a unique eBook written for you to sell?... Then add another $995 for a 10,000 word eBook, about 50 pages in length. If you want to create more eBooks to sell plus a package of reports to give away, then you can easily run up a cost 5-10 times the amount.

Now you could argue that there are cheaper services available... and there are... but let's be realistic... these services are offered by people where English is not their first language, they have very few clients and in most cases their skills are newly learned. You won't get anywhere near the same quality of work and you more likely to be checking for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and even re-writing sentences. In which case you might as well do the work yourself!

Another thing to factor is the waiting time. Even if you do outsource the work, expect anywhere from 7-14 days wait time... back and forth messages and possible revisions... and you STILL have to assemble other parts of your funnel yourself.


Do You REALLY Want to Do the Work Yourself?

Listen, I have nothing against outsourcing... and there's no doubt in my mind that you get what you pay for and I'm sure you'll end up with an amazing and unique video tutorial... but if you're not willing to spend over $3,450 for a basic sales funnel, then you've got to ask yourself... are you willing to put in the time and effort and learn the skills needed to build your own sales funnel from scratch?...

If you're answer is still no, then you're left kinda stuck... So the question is... how can you get the best of both worlds without going to the extremes?

What if there was a way for you to NOT start from scratch... but have the written content, sales videos, graphics, training videos, and more done for you... WITHOUT having to pay thousands per product?...

And more importantly... what if you didn't have to sacrifice 100s of hours slaving away at the PC... and put so much effort into project that may completely flop?

In other words... What if you could have everything done for you?

What if all you had to was create your payment buttons, and send traffic to your funnel, and get results immediately... Without wasting weeks starting from scratch?

Well we've done just that.

Introducing Funnel Fusion!

Funnel Fusion is Your Turn-Key Sales Funnel with Exciting Special Offers and Multiple Streams of Income Built-in... Designed to Educate, Pre-sell and Convert Your Leads into Sales... Long After Signup!

We've built a high converting sales funnel that strategically converts your free and paid traffic into sales.

The offers are built around evergreen products and the funnel is designed to last a lifetime. You can use it 'as is' or you can customize it so if you need to change anything, all it takes is a few edits and you're done.

Hands out 10 attractive free marketing reports on popular subjects that ALL beginners need and will happily sign up for!

Includes 3 high-quality, strategically priced offers that convert consistently and can be easily updated and modified!

Over 9 minutes of carefully scripted sales videos and 'what next' instructions to entertain, pre-sell and hard-sell your subscribers!

Done for you 30 day professionally-written email campaign that hands out free gifts and continues to sell to your subscribers long after they signed up!

Custom built synchronized affiliate page allows you to profit from our growing YouTube video training center!

Commission integration allows you to profit on ALL our offers on 3 different networks PLUS from our daily marketing efforts and weekly product launches!

Built in standard HTML to be 100% compatible with any web editor, autoresponder, webhosting and optional funnel building software!

100% Plug 'n' play system that can integrate with almost ANY online business model... and traffic source!

...And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Finally!... Turn Your Traffic into Subscribers and Subscribers into Sales without Figuring Out ALL the Techie Stuff and Marketing Techniques...”

We've Strategically Put All the Components in Place to Ensure You Squeeze Profit from Every Angle...

How Your Sales Funnel Works Step-by-Step...

Step 1 - You Get Traffic

You send traffic to the start of your funnel using your favourite traffic methods like blogging, submitting articles to directories, replying to forum posts, exchanging links and banners with other marketers, doing ad-swaps, buying solo ads, posting on YouTube, Facebook and so on.

Step 2 - You Give-Away Free Reports

You get people to sign up for a free gift in exchange for their email address. You'll be offering 10 reports that any beginner will be eager to get their hands on including ways to make money online, online business models, passive income, blogging, mindset and more. They're broad but exciting evergreen topics that will attract the most leads through your funnel.

Step 3 - You Present a Special Offer OTO1

They're then redirected to a special offer, also known as a one-time offer. Normally one-time offers are placed behind a main offer, but for the purposes of this funnel we'll call this OTO1. In this setup you'll be offering licensing rights to 10 products which they in turn can sell to their customers. You'll have your own sales video which explains the benefits of resell rights and helps them see the value in what they're getting. You'll be selling the entire package for $19.95 which makes it an exceptional deal for them.

Step 4 - You Present a Downsell OTO1a

If they pass on this offer, they're presented with a down-sell. We'll call this OTO1a. This is a cheaper version of the previous offer where you offer 5 products for $9. Again you'll have a video explaining the deal and why what you're offering insane value for so little.


Step 5 - You Present an Alternative Offer OTO2

If they pass on this offer, they're presented with OTO2. At this point we're going to assume that they're not interested in resell rights, but need basic training. So here is where you present them with the Marketer's Secret Notebook. This contains over 170 mistakes divided up into 13 areas of online marketing. At only $7 it's great value, and they would be silly to pass on it. Again you'll have your own sales video that puts them in the right frame of mind and gets them to buy.

Step 6 - You Ask Your Subscribers to Confirm their Email

If they pass on all 3 offers, they're taken to a confirmation page. A video will tell them to check their inbox for a access link to the free reports, and to whitelist your email address to ensure it's not labelled as spam. This page acts as a filter, so the only way they can get the free reports is if they enter a real email address. The 1st email message will take a few minutes to reach their inbox, so this is also the perfect time to tag your leads with your affiliate IDs with an extra gift. (more details on this in a bit...)

Step 7 - You Ask Your New Customers to Sign up

If they buy any one of the 3 offers, they're asked to sign up as a customer and are added to another email list. This organizes your subscribers so you now have a list of buyers and free subscribers. This setup allows you to send out different email campaigns to different people, based on their actions to maximize your profit. For example, you may want to sell low-ticket offers and affiliate offers to your free subscribers. And for your customers you may want to sell high-ticket affiliate offers, or even your own coaching program.

Step 8 - You Redirect to Your Thank You Page

Subscribers that passed on all offers receive an email that directs them to your thank you page where they can download the free reports. Your new customers are asked to register to a 'buyers' list and redirected to the correct thank you page. If your subscriber buys OTO1, they're asked to register as a customer and are redirected to the OTO1 thank you page. If they buy OTO1a, again they're asked to register as a customer and are redirected to the OTO1a thank you page. And if they buy OTO2, they go through the same process and are redirected to thank you page OTO2. This means you'll actually have 3 customer signup pages (which we've created) to ensure your customers are taken to the right thank you page after they register.

Step 9 - You Give Away More Video Training

Next, your customers and subscribers are given more free training. Each thank you page provides the download links to the products they paid for and also links to our free training page which is a cleverly disguised affiliate offer. We've built a custom landing page that acts as a free training center and affiliate program in one. We take content from our youtube channel, disabled the ads, and synchronize it to this page. On the page there are two buttons at the top and bottom that link to our product offer which you'll get credited for. This includes all upsells, downsells and backend offers in the funnel.

The best part is we'll keep adding more videos to the page, and switch offers around to ensure you get the highest commissions every time you send a visitor. So as we grow, you grow... without lifting a finger. With this system, your subscribers get a ton of value and will buy more products through your affiliate link as a result!

Step 10 - You Follow Up with More Emails

Next your autoresponder emails will kick in and send out pre-written emails to your subscribers every day for the next 30 days. The first email provides the access link to the free reports as promised on the free signup page and reminds them to check out your special offer again.

Emails 2 and 3 give free advice and remind them to buy your special offer if they haven't already done so. Remember they can click the 'pass' link on your special offers, so you're actually promoting OTO1, OTO1a and OTO2 through one link.

Emails 4, 5 and 6 promote the first affiliate offer. You'll be reminding your subscribers to watch the free videos on our site which pre-sells one of our best-selling products. Don't expect your subscribers to watch over 5 hours of video training in one session, so it's a good idea to let them come back to the page, soak in the information over a few days and then buy the offer and upsells in their own time.

Emails 7, 8 and 9 promote the second affiliate offer and hand out free content and this patterns continues throughout the campaign, with a mix of free gifts and hard sells with some offers promoted 5-7 times. Everything is designed to keep your subscribers active, to open your emails, click your links, download reports and keep the sales coming in... long after the initial signup!

You Won't Find Another Done for You Sales Funnel Like this ANYWHERE Else!... Not to This Quality with this Many Offers and Built-in Income Streams!

The profit is really in the details... We've put all the systems in place to ensure you make sales consistently and effortlessly, without spending $1000s on custom-built funnels...

Everything in this funnel has it's purpose... from the type of reports you give away, to the type of customers you'll attract from the range of offers, to the verbiage used on the pass links, to the way the down-sell is presented, to the video instructions on what to do after signup, to guiding them through to the affiliate landing page, to the email campaign that reminds them to check out the special offers... and much more!

NOTHING is done by accident and is designed to give you the most clicks, engagements, signups and sales.


Built in Plain HTML for 100% Compatibility!

We Coded Everything in Simple HTML so it's 100% Compatible with ANY Payment System, Webhost, Email Autorepsonder & Funnel Building Software!”

So whether you want to run this on ClickFunnels, OptimizePress, ThriveThemes, BuilderAll... Use payment systems like PayPal, Stripe, Zaxaa, ClickBank, JVZoo, WarriorPlus... Integrate it with autoresponders like Aweber, GetRespsonse, MailChimp, ConvertKit, SendPulse or any other autoresponder... your funnel is GUARANTEED to work!

Or if all of that is too fancy... just use the standard HTML funnel as is, with one autoresponder system and you're good to go.

We built this funnel to withstand the test of time...

The sales videos in OTO1 for example talks more about the benefits of owning licensing rights and doesn't show any specifics of the product. This means you can mix and match, and replace products with another in the future without updating the video.

The sales video for OTO2 talks about marketing mistakes and how to fix them. It's an evergreen topic, it's not specific, doesn't mention sites names or screenshot anything, but rather focuses more about the strategy of building a business.

This means your offers have an EXTREMELY long shelf life so you can rest assured this is something you can promote for the long run.


Our Funnel Fusion System Let's You Partner with us and Multiplies Your Income as You Make OTO Sales!

...You Can Leverage Our DAILY Email Promotions... Weekly Product Launches and Capitalize on Our FREE YouTube Videos without Ever Recording a Single Video or Showing Yourself on Camera!

One of our main goals over the upcoming years is to create 100s of practical training videos for marketers. This will not only help you but your subscribers too!

For the most part we have been relatively 'quiet' when it comes to promoting our business and placed a lot of focus on developing products for our followers. However over the years, through personal experience and working with assistants, clients and JV partners) we have accumulated a TON of knowledge and wisdom in the industry which will be of great help for many marketers at different stages of their development.

And based on the feedback we're getting it's clear that we're good at teaching this stuff so even the 'non tech savy' can understand complex subjects easily.

What does that mean for you?... It means you can take advantage of the FREE training videos we create AND our daily marketing efforts with the custom built affiliate landing page. Every time we create new YouTube videos, we'll add them to this page as well, with the ads disabled, so your leads get an amazing experience before they've bought anything. This will increase your special offer sales, affiliate sales, and future promotions you send to your list.

That's NOT something you come across every day. This is a very unqiue offer that you won't get anywhere else.


You're About to Get Your Hands on Over $10,176 Worth of Perfected ‘Micro Systems’... Designed to Fill Your Inbox with 'Notification of Payments'...

Here's What You Get with Your Sales Funnel...

10 'make money online' reports to give away that every beginner needs (...valued at $3,000)

A landing page to send your traffic to, to get them to opt-in

A special offer page that sells 10 reseller products for $19.95 (...valued at $997)

A down-sell that offers 5 products for $9 (...valued at $297)

A $7 alternative offer for those that want only want training (...valued at $497)

3 Sales videos for each special offer that total nearly 10 minutes of hard-sell presentations. (...valued at $997 value)

A confirmation page for those that pass all offers

1 Free access page for subscribers that confirm their email address

3 Customer signup pages for every product, which redirects the customer to the right thank you page.

3 Thank you pages for those that bought any one of your 3 offers

3 Instructional videos to tell your subscribers and customers what to do after signup (...valued at $297)

All the reseller and training products for your customers, which can also be used in your business (...valued at $1997+)

Custom affiliate landing page to give your subscribers and customers over 5 hours of video training (...valued at $497)
Note: This page get updated regularly, and this system alone can earn you over $150 in commission per lead, and over $1000 more through the funnel

A referral link to the official super sales machine site to give away more free content which tags your leads with your Zaxaa, Clickbank and JVZoo IDs to maximum your commissions from our marketing efforts on all networks. (...valued at $997)

Plus a 30-day done for you email campaign with affiliate offers and free gifts to keep your subscribers active (...valued at $600)

Total Value $10,176!!

(and that's on the conservative side...)

In total you're getting over $10k worth of done-for-you systems organized
into a professional sales funnel to profit from for life!

With your setup you can collect $19.95, $9 and $7 payments with ease, as you build and grow your list... without having to create amazing offers from scratch... Just let the sales videos do ALL the selling for you, whilst you sit back, relax and collect the payments.

Converting your traffic into sales has never been easier!


Funnel Fusion is the Perfect 'Bolt-On System to Work with Any Business Model!

“We Designed Your Funnel to Convert FREE and Paid Traffic Sources and Integrate with 99.9% of Online Business Models... so No Matter What You Do Online Your Profits Are Multiplied...”

We built this system for longevity and compatibility to be used with all types of business models and traffic sources...

Doing affiliate marketing?... Promote your funnel on your confirmation page after signup and within the first email message.

Got a blog?... Add a link to your funnel on the side bar, exit pop-up, and at the footer of every post.

Doing drop-shipping or print-on-demand?... Add a link to your funnel in your notification email as an extra bonus!

Selling digital products on Esty or eBay?... Add a link to your thank you email as a special bonus and within the products!

Selling an eBook on Amazon Kindle?... Add a link to your funnel in the eBook file.

Starting a YouTube channel?... Link to your funnel in your video description and make sales as you grow your channel.

Running a Podcast?... Announce your website to your listeners so they know where to get free training.

Selling a video course on Udemy or Skillshare?... Offer the reports as a free bonus in your last video and pick up more sales.

Selling your own product?... Offer the reports as a special bonus on your thank you page and within the product itself!

Running a membership site?... Add the report image to your login and logout pages and promote the funnel within the members area.

Do you buy and sell master resell rights products?... Add a shortcut URL file to your website and use it as a hidden bonus gift!

Got an existing funnel?... Use this as your primary funnel and link to your old funnel on your thank you page and keep the sales coming in.


We've Build a Robost System that Solves 99% of Your Problems... So You Can Use within Minutes from Now... No Matter What Your Skill Level!”

NO need to spend hours brainstorming and planning out your sales funnel... or second guess if your idea will work... It's all done.

NO need write AMAZING sales letters for every single offer in your funnel (you get over 7000+ words)... It's all done.

NO need create ATTENTION-GRABBING video scripts, or proof-read, record audios, animate, or edit videos... It's all done.

NO need to write ENGAGING campaign emails that keep your readers interested 30 days after signing up!... It's all done.

NO need to design EXCITING reports with STUNNING cover graphics that make uninterested visitors want to sign up within seconds!... It's all done.

NO need to check all the TECHNICAL DETAILS of your funnel... like checking the pass links, creating zip files and download links for every thank you page, embedding the sales videos and demo videos for every offer page, using the right amount of words to fit perfectly within the page... It's all done.

If you struggle to convert your traffic, or you're terrible at writing sales letters... or your offers lack that 'special something' to make it sell... and you need something you can use right now that works right out of the 'box'... that you can use as a stand-alone system or bolt-on to your existing business then this is for you.


You're Fully Backed a 30 Day Guarantee!

Try it Out... Get 100 Visitors to Your Funnel Every Day for the Next 7 Days and Get Signups & Sales or Your Money Back!

We're backing your sales funnel with a 30-day test drive guarantee! We're so confident this system will work for you, you'll wonder what on earth you would have done without it!

We want you to use this sales funnel, we want to get hordes of subscribers and sales... we want you to SUCCEED! We've done 99% of the work for you. You just need to add your payment buttons and get traffic.

If you're serious about your online business, then you're most likely creating content to get traffic... so why not turn a profit as you grow? Funnel Fusion allows you to do that... and leverage our marketing efforts in the process!

So don't say yes, don't say no. Download the system now, set it up, and THEN decide if you want to keep it. Setup the funnel... create your payment buttons... and upload it to your server... walk through all the steps that YOUR subscribers will take so you can understand it. Then send traffic, at least 100 visitors to your funnel every day for at least 7 days... and let the funnel do its thing and watch what happens.

You're GUARANTEED to get high signup rates and sale conversions. And if for some weird reason you don't, just contact us for a full refund, even 30 days from today and we won't hassle you and we won't even ask you to delete the files.

Keep it on your server... and keep using it... because you'll need it anyway!


You Now Have EVERYTHING You Need at Your Fingertips with NO Stone Unturned!

Simply promote your funnel... integrate it with EVERYTHING you sell and create online and watch the system take over and do it's thing!

Every time you create new content on the web... link back to your funnel. Every time you post on Facebook... link to your funnel. Every time you upload a video to YouTube... link to your funnel.

Watch how people actively signup to grab your gifts. Then watch how they buy all variations of offers. Then notice how they buy even more products through your affiliate link because you gave them free training... You can't lose!

What we've built here is nothing short of AMAZING. It's the solution you've always wanted... that you didn't realize you need. Now it's here... all done and dusted.

Grab your sales funnel now and make more sales than you ever thought possible! Everything's waiting and ready for you inside the members area.

Click the order button now and we'll add the system to your account right away.


Watch a sample of your sales videos to see what YOUR customers will see...

Secure Your Copy of Funnel Fusion NOW!

Convert Cold Traffic & Opportunity Seekers into Excited Customers... Get Existing Buyers to Buy MORE... Bolt-on to Any Online Business Model and Leverage Our Marketing Sales Force to Skyrocket Your Sales!

Total Value $10,176!!
Normal Price $197
Grab Everything Now for Only 37!

***Save $160 Today When You Claim this Special Offer from this Page!***

Click Here To Buy Now
Funnel Fusion


To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for beginners and has recently turned to coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. Funnel Fusion is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems every entrepreneur will face.

Click Here to Turn Your Cold Traffic into Sales with Funnel Fusion