Ever wanted to be your OWN boss and get paid what you truly deserve?...

“Discover The Secrets To Becoming A Highly-Paid Sought-After, and Reputatable Freelancer ...is Little As 30 Short Days Or Less!”

Freelance Mastery

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

What would you do if you had a direct connection to a never-ending demand for your services, who were willing to pay you thousands of dollars every week for your help?

Thousands of home based workers have carved out a name for themselves in the freelance community, being paid to write, develop, design, consult and offer support to busy marketers and online businesses who are wiling to pay top dollar for a reliable and seasoned freelancer.

These are people like:

tickSandra Morris who earns $20.00 for every single page of content she writes, with orders flooding her inbox 24 hours a day!

tickRyan Peters who had to take his website down because he was so bombarded with orders for his design services, he just couldn't keep up!

tickCatherine Andrews who has generated over $19,900.00 in a single month writing ebooks, articles and reports from her home office.

Imagine being paid $4,000.00 a week just for writing short reports, or $500 a DAY as a virtual secretary to a handful of professional companies! The opportunities available to you cover all job types, across all markets and cater to all experience levels and locations.

And You Are About To Find Out Exactly How You Can Find These Jobs!

The one thing that separates a high paid, successful freelancer from one who consistently struggles to find work, is in not only how you PRESENT yourself, but whether or not you know where to find the hottest, highest paying job opportunities.

As you can imagine, not all jobs are published on public job directories or databases, in fact, the majority of the most lucrative opportunities available are available only to a small circle of freelancers who know exactly where to go to swipe the hottest job offers before the mainstream freelance community even knows they exist!

Having access to these inner circles will give you more opportunities than you could EVER imagine, in fact, odds are that you will be forced to decline job offers because you're just far too busy as it is!

“Introducing Freelance Mastery!...”

Follow A Proven Formula To Finding The Highest Paying Online Jobs! Set your own schedule, Work your own hours and make MORE MONEY than you ever did at your 9-5 job!

Freelance Mastery

I want to make one thing absolutely clear. The Freelance Mastery guide focuses on legitimate opportunities from reliable employers.

These are NOT get rich quick schemes, or "business opportunities" where you need to invest your money, and hold your breath that you will actually turn a profit - these are WELL PAYING jobs, that are offered to you by established companies and businesses.

And you can take it a step further, by creating your own freelance company, where you connect companies with seasoned freelancers and make money simply for setting it up!

Are you ready to claim your spot in one of the highest paying industries online?

There are literally thousands of businesses seeking services from people, just like you. Whether you are a writer, designer, programmer OR you are simply good with answering the phone and typing emails, there are countless job opportunities that are now up for grabs!

Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:

tickDiscover the most valuable sources for finding the highest paying freelance opportunities, and give yourself the unfair advantage of being one of the first to find and secure employment before these jobs are flooded into mainstream forums and databases! This is INVALUABLE information to any freelancer!

tickLearn how to determine whether a company is legitimate and avoid "bad clients" like the plague with these insider tips to dissecting and evaluating any opportunity you are given! (Save TONS of time working only for reputable companies!)

tickFollow a proven formula for placing your services in front of hungry crowds of buyers, and never waste another day submitting your resume online! You simply won't need to!

tickDiscover insider techniques to winning the bidding war! If you want to participate in online freelance marketplaces, you NEED this information!

tickLearn what you NEED to know about setting your price structure so that you attract MORE buyers, even when your prices are higher than your competition!

And Much, Much More!

Here's a more detailed look:

Video 1 - Intro Into The Freelancing World

Freelance MasteryAfter going this overview, you will not only have a good idea of how to get your freelance business rolling, but how to make it a profitable entity.

You will be introduced to the basics of running a home business with things like setting up your home based business, how to find a steady stream of work, building your client list, defining a price structure that generates a profit, while not pricing you out of the market, secrets to winning the bidding war for work and how to avoid freelance writing scams.

Video 2 - What Are My Options?

Freelance MasteryIn this video we'll go through the types of jobs you can start doing from today! We'll make you aware of the jobs that are actively being asked by many marketers who'll happily pay you top dollar for your time.

Don't start freelancing until you understand what other marketers want and need. When they can see they you're catering to them it'll place you ahead of 99% of other freelances that just want to earn a quick buck.

Video 3 - Where Should I Go For Work?

Freelance MasteryIn this video we'll give you a list of 8 high quality sites where you can start looking for hot paying clients!

Yes there are many sites you could get involved with, but from our own experience there's only a small handful of sites that are worth joining and have the trust-worthy approval of mentioning.

Don't make the mistake thinking that joining more networks will provide you with more work. It's definitely a case of quality over quantity and in this business loyalty and repeat business is essential for your long term success. Watch this video so you don't miss out!

Video 4 - Using Freelancing Websites

Freelance MasteryIn this video you get to watch over our shoulder as we go behind the scenes and look at the best sites. We'll talk you through what you should be looking out for, what jobs you should be applying to, why certain clients are better than other straight off the bat and so much more!

We've made mistakes in the past of getting involved with people that ask for a job to be done but are not sure of the detail themselves. This is a no go area and puts you in a very bad posistion especially if you've already agreed to start working. Watch this video to avoid making such costly mistakes!

Video 5 - Finding Jobs On Forums

Freelance Mastery

Freelance websites are not just the only place to go when finding work. In this video we'll give you a list of 4 of the best forums to get involved with so you can start searching today!

These forums are a great place for finding work because they are full of active marketers who know exactly what they want, how much to have to budget and when they want it done.

This is an ideal client for you because it allows you to manage your time around them and organize more work in the future. Watch this video so you know what to look out for!

Video 6 - Make Yourself Known!

Freelance MasterySo far we've covered how you'd go about actively searching for work online. However there's another side to the coin you need to consider and that is getting people to come to you.

Out past experience shows that once you're more known, people will actively search your name or trade name and find you. This is the best type of client you could get because they only want what you can provide.

By learning to setup your own site and putting the most important and relavant information on it you're advertising yourself to the world. However you need to work smart and find an angle that'll allow you to stand out amongst other freelances who are also selling their services. This video shows you some of the tricks you can use to get a 1-up!

Video 7 - Important Things To Consider Before You Start!

Freelance Mastery

Okay so you've actively searched for a job, found one, and are happy with your client. Now what?... Do you just hope for the best... or do you put together a plan of action that'll keep you in business?...

I hope you said the latter because this is the turning point for your online business!

In this video we'll show you how to keep the ball rolling and talk about getting testimonials, how to use them, why you shouldn't under-value your services, how to stay focused, meeting deadlines and so much more.

Follow our advice and you'll stay in business for many more years to come!

But Wait! That's Not All!

Take Action NOW And We'll Provide You With A Full Copy Of Our 47-Page Freelance Mastery Written Manual Absolutely FREE!

Take action and place your order of Freelance Mastery today and we'll add a copy of our separately sold manual. We were going to sell this separately as an up-sell however we'd decided to give you this to get you started and to keep you focus.

Print it out, read it before bedtime, or read it from your computer. If you need to go back a point without having to load our videos you can just skim read what you need!


The possibilities are truly endless!

once you know exactly how to find and secure lucrative employment opportunities from some of the most reliable companies online!

How would you like to be given a blueprint to becoming a successful freelancer, where you are able to work on your own schedule, from your own home within job opportunities that come with no restrictions, no difficult requirements and NO boss?!

Think about how much your life would change if YOU were in control of your own financial destiny, and were given the opportunity to selectively choose the types of jobs you accept.

Imagine waking up in the morning and deciding whether you were in the mood to work that day or not (yes, this IS reality). You log into your email and sift through the dozens of order requests you've received overnight from people hungry for your business.

You stamp your own prices on your services and work your own shifts.. need a break? No problem! Wanting to take a holiday with your family? Go for it!

YOU are in complete control of how much, or how little you work!

No more waiting for employers to contact you - no more submitting your resume into dozens of job banks - no more price reductions simply because you want to attract more business.. you will FINALLY know exactly how so many other freelancers have been able to generate a full time income all from their home offices using nothing more than their computers!

No costly equipment is necessary, no in-house interviews or difficult learning curves to pass through. No online testing - no nonsense!

Just high paying job offers covering all industries and markets.

Being a freelancer is like being given a license to print your own paychecks, literally!

“So How Much Is Freelance Mastery Worth To You?”

From here on out, you will know exactly what you need to do to be able to make money with profitable freelance opportunities. Never settle for 'get rich quick' schemes again that steal your money and your dream of ever being successful.

Follow a proven strategy to being successful as a professional freelancer now!

You see having some or part of the pieces of the puzzle is just as good as having none of them. Without complete knowledge you're only kicking yourself and wasting both your time and money. Freelance Mastery puts you on the right track to starting your business. Learn to walk before you run and I can guarantee you'll do very well!

So please scroll down and secure your copy today before a) the price rises, or b) I remove this video series altogether and bundle into a more expensive training course!

So act now and don't put this off any longer. Because to put it bluntly: you are not the only person reading this letter now. Your would-be competitors are too. And you know the problem with saturated competition? You just wished you'd act sooner.

Freelance Mastery

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tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
tick YES! Eric I also understand that if I'm not happy with the course or still can't make more money from using it, I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!
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Freelance Mastery

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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