So simple to apply even a newbie can do it!..

“People Just Like You Have Used These POWERFUL Email Marketing Strategies To Make At Least $705.00 With 1 Email, In 1 Hour, With A VERY Small List!..”

Video Series Reveals How You Can Make Money Every Time You Send Out An Email.. Even If You're A Total Newbie!..

Email Marketing Demon

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

I don't know if you can relate or not, but NOTHING used to frustrate me more than working so hard at 'building my list', just to finally send out an email offer with absolutely no results...

I couldn't understand it!...

Every where I turned, marketer after marketer would be there saying "the fortune is in the list, the fortune is in the list!", but I couldn't even get my subscribers to open the emails nonetheless buy anything...

I was left wondering was it just me, or was I the only one who just simply couldn't make any money with email marketing...

I honestly tried. I bought course after course (some of them ranging upwards to $1997) trying to figure out how to tap into this 'fortune' everyone was talking about...

I changed the subject lines, rewrote the offers, and the only reason it seemed like people would open my emails was to unsubscribe...

“I'll Never Forget The Day It Clicked, & I Saw The 'Magic' Happen”

In my many trial and errors I did learn many very valuable lessons. I learned exactly what DIDN'T work...

...this was do or die time... I had to get something that would help me break through this barrier in my online marketing efforts...

I became a student of copywriting, conversions, persuasion, in a way where I gave the word 'dedication' a whole new meaning...

I spent hundreds of hours researching, weeks reading, and months testing technique after technique, until the day where the chain of no response broke, and I made $705 within one hour of sending one email... and then went on to make over $1,987.82 within a single weekend...

This wasn't from a huge list either...

AND, this was from a list that I severely burned and annoyed time after time after time...

I only had about 397 subscribers left, but I finally broke through!

And today I want to show you exactly how I did it so you can too!

"Finally Unveiled The Email Marketing Demon Video Training Course!"

Inside this course you are going to learn every single one of the many mistakes I've made, that way you can avoid doing them...

You're also going to get step-by-step instructions as I walk you through the exact same techniques I used to 'break on through to the other side'...

I can honestly say that I'm fully convinced that the fortune IS in the list, but only if you know how to tap its full potential...

I've blown the minds of many 'gurus' when I boast about my open rates that range as high as 90%, and my click through rates that have seen well over 83%...

I've used these exact same techniques to outsell many of the 'super affiliates' in some of the nets biggest Internet Marketing launches, and I did so without having a list of hundreds of thousands... but just a few thousand...

My friend, I'm here to tell you that you don't need a massive list to start seeing massive profits online. You just need the right training.

You are going to learn how to literally turn your subscribers into a rabid list of buyers who can't wait to open your emails!

Okay, enough talk, let me reveal to you what's inside this new video series..

Here's Just A Sample Of What You Will Get Today!

Module #1 - "Email Services"

Email Marketing Demon

In this video we’ll take a look at the different Emailing services available out there – free and paid. You’ll discover what you should be looking for, avoiding blacklisted IP address and ensuring you get the maximum deliverability.

The last thing you need is to send out an Email and no one even receives it!

Video time: 5:54min

Module #2 - "Converting Leads Into Buyers"

Email Marketing Demon

Okay, so you’ve got a list server now what? It’s time to build your list! But before you do, you’ll want to understand the mindset of the people who’ll be on your list. We’ll be looking at what sort of list you should be building.

Will they be happy to receive ‘offers’ from you? Will they have a tendency to buy from you.. not just once but time and time again? Will they even trust you enough to buy what you offer? Get this right from the beginning and you’ll save yourself a headache!

Not only that, I’ll show you how to gather as many buyers as possible to your list, eliminating the freebie seekers using this one simple technique.

Video time: 6:51min

Module #3 - "How To 'Heat' Your List"

Email Marketing Demon

By applying the ‘heating’ techniques shown in this video you subscribers will become more responsive and start hanging on to your every word.

You’ll find out how free content sent to your buyers can really break down any barriers.

By using the 90/10 rule you’ll start to see the numbers really role in and your business will soar!

Video time: 5:18min

Module #4 - "Before Your Write A Single Word"

Email Marketing Demon

Before you even think about sending out an email to your list, put them first and ask yourself two questions. 1. How will it benefit the subscriber? and 2. How will it help them?

When you can answer these questions your emails will have purpose and the message will get across much stronger than a long drawn-out email.

Video time: 4:43min

Module #5 - "Structuring Your Emails!"

Email Marketing Demon

Watch over my shoulder as I show you exactly what I type in my Aweber account.

You’ll see how I personalize my emails using Aweber’s variables and avoid silly errors which cause people to unsubscribe.

Here you’ll find out how I write attention grabbing emails whilst toning down the sales hype. You’ll find out the power of questions to create engaging emails, and how to ensure maximum clicks and how I can apply this technique no matter what product or service I’m offering.

Video time: 13:38min

Module #6 - "Telling A Story"

Email Marketing Demon

Some of the best messages and ideas are remembered from personal stories.

In this video you’ll learn how sharing a story can build trust and increase your conversions.

Put all those ‘triggers’, fancy copywriting, subliminal messaging techniques away. I’ll show you how I compose my emails and make it sociable for maximum response.

Video time: 12:00min

Module #7 - "Tackling The Subject Line"

Email Marketing Demon

The subject line is the next most important factor that a reader will consider when opening your email after knowing who it’s from.

Watch this video to see how NOT to write subject lines that put your emails in the spam folder. You’ll be able to make your subject line seem natural but attention-grabbing enough to get the open rates you need for sales.

Video time: 8:42min

Module #8 - "Getting The Click"

Email Marketing Demon

Essentially you’re writing an email to get the clicks. In this video you’ll discover how to write your call to action and make your reader anxious to click as soon as they open your email.

We’ll be writing re-enforcing copy and ‘incomplete’ thoughts to send them straight back to the link.

Video time: 4:48min

Module #9 - "The 'Rush' Technique"

Email Marketing Demon

There are numerous ways of writing email copy and another effective way to get the click is to write emails where you’re in a rush. By applying this technique you’ll show how you put your reader first and go out of your way to send an important email first before your real life affairs. This technique is effective in itself but should be used solemnly.

Video time: 6:57min

Module #10 - "Training The Click!"

Email Marketing Demon

By now you’re already well informed and prepped for writing seductive emails.

Here we’ll discuss the limits of emails and what they’re designed to do.

We’ll look at how to train your readers to subconsciously to click your links every time you send an email whether your handing free content or sending out an offer. Watch this video and you’ll finally see the why the email marketing demon techniques always work.

Video time: 5:21min

Module #11 - "Soaring Your Conversions!"

Email Marketing Demon

In this video we’ll go deeper into the human mind and how to exploit our natural tendency to curiosity.

We’ll be putting ourselves into the mindset of our reader and thinking objectively just like you do.

This technique has been responsible for increasing my click-rate conversions by 83%!

Video time: 4:29min

Watch A Sample Video Now To Get Started


Wait!.. That's Not All!..Order Today And Receive
Copy of 'Squeeze Page Profits'!

Don't think for a second that I'm going to leave you dangling in the air thinking about how to start building your list! Even if you've never put a squeeze page together before or are struggling with your current squeeze page, don't worry because this little guide will show you all you need to know to make a killer squeeze page and get traffic to it!

Here are a few things you'll discover inside this exclusive guide...

tickWhat a Squeeze page is and how to use one properly if you want to build a solid list
tickWhat to offer your squeeze page visitor as bait to get them opting-in in a flash
tickHow to make instant cash just seconds after you get your subscriber on your list
tickLittle design tricks and words that can increase conversions by 300%
tickHow to get free search engine traffic to your squeeze page - yes SEO is not just for blogs!
tickHow to "trade" traffic which can easily boost your traffic by 200%
and much more..

Make sure you grab a copy of 'Squeeze Page Profits' too with the video course! We plan to sell this guide (worth $27 by itself) as a seperate component, but you'll be able to get a copy absolutely free as a bonus to your video course - but only for those who act fast!

This is a unique chance to finally get more followers and start using Email Marketing more effectively for your online business!

"How Much Would This All Be Worth To You?"

Ok, forget everything you've read so far... honestly don't think of anything else on this page... quit wondering about the price... whether 'all this is true'... everything...

Just ask yourself one question...

Aside from all the testimonials that you read talking about the explosion in profits people experience when they use these techniques, what if you could just make an extra $100 a day with Email Marketing Demon... what would you do?

What if you got the worst results out of anyone who has bought this product, and only made an extra $100 a week?

Would an extra $400 a month be worth investing a one time payment of $197 - $97 - $17 measily bucks? Can you justify spending $17 to see your income soar?

"Double Your Investment Or You Pay Nothing!"

Look, we're so confident in the power of this system that we're willing to reverse all the risk...

We understand that you might have gotten burned more than a few times before by blowing money on useless products...

That's the reason why we're going to let you test drive this entire system risk free. Scroll down, click the order button, watch all the videos online, and for any reason if you don't think that this was worth the $27 you spent... Simply shoot us an email, and we'll give you a no questions asked, prompt refund...

Sound fair enough?

What do you go to lose? Nothing...

After all, when there is such massive potential with email marketing, who doesn't want to start the right way and keep using it to grow their business!?

So order your copy of 'Email Marketing Demon' today in complete confidence! But just before you do, please rest assured that you are backed by a completely risk-free guarantee!..

So...with that said, don't walk, but run. Grab your copy of 'Email Marketing Demon' now and take your business to the next level. Whether you technology phobe, or an experienced marketer, I guarantee that you'll gain some great information from this simple and easy to understand video series.

Email Marketing Demon

You don't have to wait. You can view this video immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping, you can still download it instantly.

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Email Marketing Demon

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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