“Generating The Most Reliable Paycheck In Internet Marketing Just Got Easy! This Is How You Start Cashing In Now!”

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Do you want to make reliable, monthly income that you can count on? Would you like to own a business that not only pays well but pays reliably every month?

Are you worried that your online business won't provide the security of a monthly paycheck?

Thanks to continuity programs, you can guarantee that you'll get paid reliably every month!

Best of all, you can increase your income faster than you EVER could at ANY regular job.

This is your ticket to an exciting income that provides you with all the personal and financial success that you've ever dreamed of!


Are you ready to take the idea of an online business and inject the security of a steady and reliable paycheck in to it?

If so, you're in luck and you're about to learn why Internet marketers everywhere are changing their business models as we speak.

Building an online business that you can rely on is becoming harder and harder these days so it's important to keep up with moving trends.

This letter is going to show you how a single trend is revitalizing businesses that were sinking and about to go completely under.

Regardless if you're new to online business or if you're a seasoned vet looking to make more money, this secret can help you jump start your income.

The Truth About Struggling Online Businesses And What The Recession Is Doing To Online Profits!

There's no doubt that businesses all over the world have been floundering.

The recession has people spending less money, hoarding more money and generally being much more discerning in any purchases they make.

Of course this is resulting in businesses bringing in less new customers, losing more old customers, and making less money per transaction.

This has online businesses falling straight on their heads because there is so much competition in the online marketplace!

There are a few select businesses that are seeing dramatic increases in their bottom line profits each month, would you like to know their secret?

The fact is, if you don't make enough money each month, you don't stay in business.

It doesn't get any clearer or more real than that, I'm sure you'll agree. The recession is doing some serious damage.

Businesses are scrambling trying to find ways to supplement their income and prevent their businesses from going into the red, going into debt and ultimately going under.

If you hope to be in business for more than a few months, it's important that you take action to prevent recessive losses.

Enter: Continuity Revenue!

Just in case you aren't familiar with continuity programs or continuity revenue, I'm going to explain what they are...

Continuity programs are ordering systems in which a customer makes an initial purchase and then receives a service or product each month there after for a repeating charge.

So to make it simple, a person pays monthly for a product or service they receive monthly.

This is an excellent way for a customer to get something they would normally buy but get it in a way that is more convenient.

Automatic billing and automatic delivery of a product or service saves the customer time, money, and hassle of shopping.

Many people love continuity programs as you're aware and signup for them for things such as water delivery, cell phone service, and cable tv service.

Other things that people pay for on a monthly basis are pest control services or lawn maintenance.

Continuity programs have become increasingly popular with internet customers as an extremely important convenience item.

Create A More Reliable Stream Of Income In Your Business Regardless Of Market Conditions...

Now you know what continuity programs are and also know why customers love the convenience and time savings that they provide.

So what does this mean to you?

Continuity billing means that you can create reliable, consistent income in your business by offering a product or service on a monthly basis.

In a time with market conditions that we are currently experiencing, it's vital that you make sure your business is capitalizing on as many streams of income as possible.

Continuity programs provide 3 very important benefits to any business that decides to set one up in their promotional mix...

1) Saves you money from having to advertise or re-market to existing customers to make additional purchases with your business.

2) Creates reliable monthly income that comes into your business each any every month that your customers stay part of the monthly program.

3) Provides the security of a 9-5 paycheck, even in tough times so that you have more security in your finances.

As you can see, if you want to create security in your business, you need a continuity program to sell for recurring income!

Continuity Programs Are Blowing Up!

Even if you haven't been involved in online business for very long, you are certainly familiar with continuity programs and their expanding reach.

You've probably signed up for a monthly auto ship program for some kind of product that you've purchased.

Online businesses are implementing continuity programs at record speed. This is because they work and they bring in extra income.

Even big launches such as multi thousand dollar courses and training packages have built in continuity programs. These continuity offers for high end programs usually cost between $100 and several hundred dollars a month.

That shows you that any product or business can implement continuity products!

Watch Out, The government Has Something To Say About Continuity Programs...

What the government demands if you hope to make Money from recurring offers...

Now, before you start getting all worried, let me calm your nerves...

The FTC recently passed a bunch of regulations that put the damper on how continuity programs are currently being run.

Don't worry, this doesn't mean that you can't create a recurring product or service in your business!

What these regulations set out to do was to stop people from putting in "hidden" or "disguised" recurring billing.

There are simple steps that you can take to make sure that you comply with all of the new regulations and to make sure you don't get into any trouble.

These regulations actually help you because they keep your business on the up and up and make sure that your customers don't feel tricked. I'm going to show you the secrets of the trade for complying!

Replace Your paycheck With Just A Handful Of Customers!...

I want you to realize that continuity programs give you the ability to not only make tons of cash in your online business, but also do so in a "secure paycheck" type of way.

Never has there been a way to generate such reliable income that you can count on coming in month after month.

The best part is that you don't need to generate thousands upon thousands of customers in order to replace your income.

Think about this...

If you create a recurring service that you charge $39 a month for, how many members would you need to replace your income?

If you make $3000 a month at your day job, you'd need just 77 customers to completely replace your income and match what you make at your job.

77 customers to replace your job?!

I'm sure that you'll agree 77 customers is a ridiculously low amount of people required to generate full time income, right?

Can you imagine how much freedom you would have just by having that handful of customers to pay you what you're worth each month?

Do you think you could enjoy life a lot more and do more things that you want to do that seem to never fit into your current schedule?

Of course you could!

Get 77 Customers replace Your Job

As previously discussed, if you can get just 77 customers, you replace your job.

This is exciting stuff.

Now I know that you may be thinking "77 customers doesn't sounds like that much, but it is to me" and I can completely understand where you're coming from.

After all, where are you going to find those customers?

Before I tell you the solution to finding those customers, I want you realize one very important thing...

If you can generate just one new $39 customer per day, you can generate $3000 a month in just 77 days!

When you look at it as one sale a day, it become a very doable and easy to "put your head around" task.

Think about what would happen after a full year! You could have 365 customers each paying you $39 a month.. thats a massive $14,90 each and every month!!

So the ultimate question comes down to "How do I setup a continuity program and get that one customer a day?"...

How To Create Profitable Continuity Program!
Reliable monthly Income In An Unreliable Economy...

Learn Everything You Need To setup Your Continuity Program In 2 Hours!

How To Systemize Everything so you can get setup fast!

How to pull in clients in the next couple of days, even if you're new!

The secrets of targeting your market for maximum profits!

Step by step, watch over my shoulder training that gets results!

Continuity Cash Secrets...

Create massive, reliable income using a continuity program in your mix of promotion and other Internet marketing tools!

Continuity Cash Secrets was designed with the complete newbie in mind.

I don't care if you have no experience with online business or if you just learned what a continuity program is in this letter, this will work for you.

Everything you need is covered in the 2 hour multimedia training that guides you through every step of the system.

We cover everything you could possibly want or need to know so that you can get setup fast.

Even if you're busy and just have a few hours a week to spare, you can still get started and making money quickly!


By now you're probably excited as well as a bit confused as to how you are going to do this and what you're next move is.

Let me tell you that there is no reason to be nervous. Being excited and enthusiastic is all you need with Continuity Cash Secrets!

You're going to learn how you can setup a high profit continuity program in your business or completely from scratch even if you don't have a business or website going yet at all.

With no experience you can be generating monthly profits that supplement your income, pay for vacations, or replace your income at your job all together.

There really hasn't been an opportunity like this when it comes to setting up your own home based business in the past.

After all, who would think that you could replace your paycheck from the comfort of your own home and do so without having to worry about getting $3000 worth of new customers each month?

That's a pretty cool thing!

Here's What You Get...

This is just some of the material that's covered in Continuity Cash Secrets...

Targeting Your Market - Learn how you can find the exact niche that will make you the most money and exploit it quickly.

Membership Sites/Continuity Programs Are Great! - Exactly what continuity programs are and why you need to use these tricks in setting up your business.

30 Second "Do Or Die" Testing - how to decide if your continuity program is setup for success or complete failure using this quick 30 second trick!

Expert Sourcing Secrets - Discover how to get big time experts to create your content for For you if you don't want to create it yourself and How to do so cheaply!

Your Main Offer - setting up your main offer so that you convert the maximum number of visitors into cash paying customers.

The Secret Of Great Content - How to create content that keeps customers in your continuity program for life and paying you for life!

Turbo Setup - easy tricks for getting the entire system setup fast!


Are you ready to really replace your full time income?

The Continuity Cash Secrets system really doesn't need to be sold, pitched or hyped up in any way, because it works...

As you know, most people would pay a fortune to be able to replace their 9 to 5 income so that they can spend their life doing whatever they want. After all, being able to take off for a vacation or sleep in for a week in a row while still making enough money to live and pay the bills is something most people only dream about.

What will you do with all of the time you save?

Nothing at all? A vacation?

It doesn't matter what your desire is as far as income goals. The Continuity Cash Secrets video seminar can help you get there.

This system really is the easiest and most reliable system for generating real, bankable cash on the Internet out there.

Best of all, I'm so excited for you to get started that I'm going to give you the entire Continuity Cash Secrets System for the low, low price of just $27. That's right, 2 full hours of video training to guide you from complete novice to continuity cash all star in no time for less than the cost of a tank of gas!

As I'm sure you'll agree, there's absolutely no better way for you to spend $27 as you read this letter right now, is there?

Don't delay. Start now and get on the road to creating monthly income that can help you achieve your dreams and live the life that you've always wanted!

Results Are guaranteed!

Just to make sure that you have absolutely no reason not to act right now, I'm going to do something very special.

If you order now, I'm going to personally guarantee your purchase.

What does that mean? Grab Continuity Cash Secrets, watch the entire video seminar and setup your own continuity program and if you don't make your money back within 60 days, let me know...

I'll instantly refund your purchase price.

You'll also get a personal thank you note directly from me thanking you for testing out the system.

I don't know about you but getting to watch the entire 2 hour program, keep the bonuses, and get your money back if it doesn't work seems like you come out on top regardless of what happens!


Are you ready to get started? Use the order form below to secure your copy.

$27 measly bucks secures the entire Continuity Cash Secrets Course and all of the high value bonuses that you get just for ordering today!

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Continuity Cash Secrets

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact support@socionemarketing.com for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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