Stop sweating the process of creating fiction and nonfiction books because it’s simple...

“Discover How to Create High-Quality Profitable Digital Books and Paperbacks and Sell them without Writing One Single Word or Burning Your Pockets!”

Discover the fortune that lies hidden in building your own book publishing empire!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Imagine for a moment, it’s 3 months from today…

Sound impossible?

It isn’t if you have the right strategy, and that’s what I am about to share with you, so keep reading…

This Amazing Secret Will Shock and Delight You!

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be around back in 1848 at the time of the gold rush?

As migration workers flocked to get the lion’s share of gold deposits.

While the average Joe was digging away trying to make some money, the ones who really made a large fortune were the merchants and transportation facilities.

Those who were smart enough to see the opportunity, but instead of using a miners pick and shovel they had others do the heavy work for them.

I’m here to tell you that publishing books is the new gold rush.

And I’ve discovered a way to get even MORE money from it this year — that’s completely legal and ethical — and backed by Amazon themselves. A company that is trusted and willing to place large deposits into your bank account.

You want jaw-dropping proof?

It was reported by the BBC, New York Times, Telegraph, Forbes and by many others that Amazon stated they sold more kindle electronic books than their hardcover and paperbacks together in 2011 alone!

What does this mean for you?

It means thousands of dollars are being made monthly by unknown authors.

And here’s the kicker! Most of them didn’t even write the books they published.

I’m not talking about using rehashed material, or stolen stories that someone else has published. But something much better, easier and far more profitable

What I’m about to reveal is an honest, hidden way for you take advantage of a billion dollar industry even if you don’t have a creative bone in your body, and you flunked English at school.

The Fast and Highly Profitable Book Outsourcing Blueprint That Anyone Use… GUARANTEED!

Simply put, you can use my insider secrets to instantly create digital books and paperbacks that can be sold online in a snap. In fact, once you figure this out, you’ll be able to tap into thousands of dollars of profit that is being generated right now in the self-publishing industry.

In fact, I will even show you inside this course how you can get editing and proofreading done for free, if you like!

Amazing but true… and virtually nobody knows about this method.

Why is this good news?Because of two reasons…

#1Not everyone can create a book!

If you don't have the artistic or creative ability to write fictional books, you will assume there is no way to do this and miss out.

But the fact is you can own your very own fictional or nonfiction book created by somebody else with your very own name on it.


#2A whole lot of people have awful grammar and bad spelling!

Don’t worry; it’s not your fault!

It’s very common. In fact, did you know that incorrect grammar and spelling is one of the main complaints from readers?

The problem arises because many people attempt to create books, but then can't find a good proofreader, and so they end up giving up once they get tons of bad reviews.

Truth is, I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have worked with proofreaders or editors, only to find that I have found even more mistakes when they returned it.

That’s a whole lot of time and money you can end up wasting if you don’t know how to do it right, the first time!

So let me show you how…introducing…

Book Outsource System!
Outsource Your Book Writing and Proofreading Today!

Not everyone can create a book, but now you can.

If you have tried to make money writing books, or considered becoming an author of fiction or nonfiction but you have bounced back and forth with indecision or from one bad writer to the next, then consider this is a Godsend!

There’s no need to blame yourself for lack of writing skills or marketing smarts or anything like that, nor should you shrug it off with excuses like “Only smart individuals can write books and make money online but I can’t.”

I positively promise you, YOU CAN MAKE MONEY creating high quality, profitable books without being a computer genius or going bleary-eyed sitting in front of your computer day and night trying to make heads or tails of the whole book publishing ‘thing’.
Just imagine…

“What if there really was an easy-to-setup, legitimate book creating and publishing opportunity out there that actually worked for just about anyone?”

Well, I have figured out a way to do it. I’ve pinpointed sources for good writers, editors, proofreaders and cover designers. You'll learn directly from me the certain characteristics, traits and criteria that these people have.

And how to avoid those who will waste your time and money!

Over the course of 10 videos I will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process from idea to completed book.

I leave no stone unturned, no question unanswered.

And that’s just for starters…

Here’s what you will discover inside this Course

Video #1 - Introduction to Book Outsourcing

This specific video will give you a quick overview of the video series as a whole. It will cover how to get in the right mindset so you'll be able to create your book fast and quickly. It will also show you how it all works and what tools you will need.

Video #2 - Create Plot or Structure

While you will be given some ideas on how to create a plot or structure depending which route you choose (fiction or non-fiction), we will assume that you have a good idea of what your story will be about. In this specific video I am going to show you how to layout your story from the plot, the climax, and much more. This way you set yourself up for success and are able to create a book that is easy to read.

Video #3 - Finding Good Writers

There are many different types of books, so therefore there are going to be many different types of writers. We have both non-fiction books and fictional books. So how are you supposed to know how to find a good writer? In this specific video I am going to show you how to find the right writer that will do a good job in creating a great flowing book that is perfect for your specific audience.

Video #4 - Revise It

Before we find a book proofreader, you want to revise the book yourself to ensure that you like what the writer wrote. Now, there are specific things that you need to look out for to ensure that the book flows before you send it to a proofreader or ask the book writer to rewrite certain parts of the book. In this specific video I am going to show you exactly what you need to do step by step.

Video #5 - Proofread It

After you have revised the book yourself or have had a book writer revise or rewrite certain parts of the book, it's time to find a good proofreader. Now, this is where most people make the biggest mistakes. There are a lot of wannabe proofreaders out there and I am going to show you the difference between a real proofreader who knows how to make your book really flow well versus someone who is just half-heartedly doing it and not really doing a good job.

You definitely want to get this part right because one of the biggest complaints that book readers have are spelling and grammatical errors.

Video #6 - Bartering Secrets

I am going to show you my very own bartering secrets that have enabled me to create high-quality books for a low cost. Obviously when bartering, you need to make sure that it is a win-win situation. Therefore, I'll show you exactly what I did and how you can do it as well.

Video #7 - Ecover design

Once you are completed with the book writing and proofreading process, it's time to design your book cover. In the specific video I will show you different resources and freelancer sites where you will be able to create a professional looking book design. Unfortunately, people do judge a book by its cover, so you'll want to get this part right. Fortunately for you, you will not have to spend a lot of money, and being that I have experience in this I will show you how to create a very professional cover that normally cost anywhere from $100-$200 for less than $25-$40. You’ll save a lot of money and receive the same great results.


Video #8 - Printing and Distributing (POD companies)

Once you have created your book and design, you'll need to know how to distribute your book. There are many different avenues that you can take to do this, depending on the format. You can sell them on Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace, in electronic, paperback, or even hardcover versions. However, in order to do certain types of formats you have to go through certain printing companies.

I've lost a lot of time and tested Amazon Kindle, CreateSpace paperbacks, and even Lightning Source hardcover books. You'll see real case studies as I compare these three possible avenues. Does Lightning Source really live up to the high standard you’ll want? Or have hardcover books become obsolete? You will learn all this and more in this specific video.


Video #9 - Formatting for POD Company

After you have seen some real case studies in the previous video and learned which companies can distribute and sell your book, it's time to format your book for these specific companies.

In this specific video I am going to show you how to properly get someone else to format your books for you so that you can quickly and easily get up and running and begin selling your books. There are many different tools out there, but the reality of it all is that if you try to learn how to format your books yourself, it can take several days or even weeks. And instead of formatting, you could be marketing during those weeks.


Video #10 - Getting a Book Website

While this video course was developed to help you outsource book creation, I want to point you in the right direction and show you how to get a book website created for your book and where you can access these resources for a low cost.

By getting a book website up for your book, this will enable your fans to keep track of everything you do, as well as enable prospects who might be interested in your book to find out more. Not having a website doesn't necessarily decrease your sales, but it definitely gives you another avenue to market and sell your books.

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Watch it on your PC, Mac or Tablet and in the shortest time possible, slash the learning curve, remove the roadblocks and clear away all the mystery to creating and publishing the most effective fiction and non-fiction online without breaking the bank or losing your mind in the process.


Watch a Sample Below to Get Started

Here are 10 Reasons Why Others Choose This Course and Why You Should Take ActionToo!

Imagine — in just a few moments from now, you could begin learning the same secrets that have catapulted hundreds of people’s income from zero to thousands of dollars a month, and discover what it really takes to develop an effective ( and profitable! ) book publishing empire in the quickest and most efficient way.

Forget writing the books, spending days of your life slogging away or weeks searching for great cover designers, proofreaders or simple ways to format and publish online. I’ll show you exactly what I do, and how you can copy me to do the same — period!

Your Purchase Is Protected By Our 100% No-Risk, No Hassle, No-Worries Iron-Clad Guarantee

Get your copy of Book Outsource System today, try it out for 60 entire days, and if it doesn’t make the process of creating high quality and profitable fiction or nonfiction books easy - or for any reason what so ever during that time you decide this is not right for you - I want you to contact me that very day and let me give you a fast 100% refund.

Why am I willing to risk so much? Because I believe so strongly in what this information can do for you. I have seen so many other people, just like you, dramatically improve their lives in just a few short weeks using this material. You can do the same.

So here’s the real question:

Are you ready to take action, or are you still letting doubt stop you?
As you’ll hear from others online, publishing books right now truly is the new gold rush.
Are you going to get your piece of it, or let doubt control you?

Think about it. Where will you be a year from now? Will you still be struggling to write books, find excellent editors, proofreaders and ways to publish, while others steal your thunder?

Or will you be enjoying the exhilarating feeling of being a published author with lots of sales occurring every day, automatically, while you sleep?

I’ve gone through the pain of creating this. Now you don’t have to. I’ve worked out all of the kinks, and perfected a system that truly works. Don’t pass up an opportunity of a life-time. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So act now.

Don’t die with that book still inside you!

Order now in complete confidence and we'll get this valueable course delivered to you immediately.

Yes Eric! Give Me Instant Access to the Book Outsource System!

Book Outsource System YES Eric! Give me secrets to successfully publishing my own book without having to write a single word!
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Your Price Only $9.95!

Book Outsource System

Book Outsource System

The clock is ticking! Time is money and the more time you take to think this over the less money you will make. Plus, this special offer will be pulled soon and the price is going to increase. Dramatically! Why? Because more and more people are learning about how easy it is to sell fiction and non-fiction books online today and the demand for a guide that has zero fluff, and shows you exactly what to do is high. You snooze, you lose. So hurry…

Some of the techniques you’ll learn are so powerful and hard hitting that I have kept these under padlock and key for a while. Only those who take advantage of this now will get those. Try this out for 60 days for just $9.95 and you’ll instantly discover what I mean by — red hot! And listen, if it’s not for you. Simple! Just shoot me an email and I’ll refund you on the spot! No risk, No hassle, No problems.

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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