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Add 1.. 2.. 3.. & Even More Zeros To The End Of Your Annual Income By Simply Focusing On Equipping Your Allies!”

Newbie Video Series Maps Out The Way For You To Increase Your Profits Without Having To Create New Products Or Enter New Markets!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Wise Up Soldier!

If you don't have an affiliate program, then you are missing out on thousands of dollars in profits. Affiliate programs can bring in 4, 5, 6 and even more figures to your annual income than a product without an affiliate program. Heavy earners know how important affiliate programs are and rewards those that promote your product.

An affiliate program allows you to have hundreds, if not thousands, of websites and webmasters selling your product or service for you. You reward the websites and Webmasters by paying them on a per-lead or per-sale basis. Most affiliate programs pay on a per-sale basis, meaning that you would pay a certain commission or percentage for each referred sale.

What are some of the benefits of having your own affiliate program?

tickIncrease in website traffic.
tickIncreased sales.
tickAn effective means of advertising your products/services.
tickA cost-effective advertising and marketing campaign.

Now I realize that you may not already have an affiliate program for your product because you don't know where to start or the concept just sounds too difficult! First let me start off by asking you some simply questions.

Do you know how to...

tickSetup and list your sites on Clickbank & PayDotCom PLUS add your own order buttons to start making 100% pure profits?

tickUpload your web files online so people can visit your site and buy YOUR products?

tickSetup an affiliate program so people can join and promote your products?

tickConvince marketers in your niche to join your affiliate program and promote your products?

Those are all big questions you need answers to, but if don't know the answers - don't feel bad BECAUSE it's not your fault...

Soon you will be on your way to getting Clickbank and PayDotCom READY to start taking-in your very own online orders!

....then you're in for a treat. Introducing the "How To Build An Army Of Affiliates" video series!

This step-by-step video series that takes you by the hand and shows you how to not only setup an affiliate program, but how to approach affiliates to promote your product.

This video series is broken into 2 easy to understand steps to add an affiliate program to your product.

Step 1: Setup your affiliate program. This will take a bulk of the video series as you not only learn how it works and what's available to you, but most importantly, how to implement the system.

Step 2: Find affiliates to join your affiliate program. You will learn strategies to finding affiliates in your niche that will want to promote your product.

Here's a list of this 7 part video series in more detail:

Video #1 - "Operation Briefing"

Affiliate Army Profits Here you will understand an overview of the video series, free tools you need before moving to video 2, and most importantly basic concepts you need to understand before getting started.


Video #2 - "Armour Up!"

Affiliate Army ProfitsIn the second video you will learn how to get setup your sales page, thank you page, and opt in form code.

Before you learn about affiliate platforms that you can use, you need to understand how to get your sales page, thank you page, etc. ready. Now if you already know how to do this and how to add a button to your sales page, that's fine, you can skip this. But if you don't, no worries, you won't be left in the dark to find out.

Video #3 - "Strategy"

Affiliate Army ProfitsIn the third video we'll take an overview of payment processors: Clickbank and PayDotCom.

Now that you know how to setup your sales page, thank you page, and opt in forms, let’s talk about affiliate platforms that you can use. While there are many, I have decided to choose two of the main ones.

Since Clickbank and PayDotCom are both affiliate networks, as a vendor you will have the opportunity to offer an affiliate program, so you can build your army of sales people quickly.  
In this video, you will learn the major differences between Clickbank and PayDotCom, and which one may be best suited for you.

Video #4 - "Planting The Bomb #1"

Affiliate Army ProfitsNow we'll create a Clickbank product as a Vendor.

You've now learned what Clickbank is all about. If Clickbank is your choice, you will learn how to add a product item to your Clickbank account. You will also learn how to create a Clickbank payment link, which you can add to your salespage.

Video #5 - "Planting The Bomb #2"

Affiliate Army ProfitsNext, we'll create a PayDotCom Product as a Vendor.

If you decided that PayDotCom was the best option for the specific product you are selling, then you'll learn how to add a product to your PayDotCom account. You'll also learn how to create PDC payment link and how to add that to your salespage payment button.

Video #6 - "Attack!"

Affiliate Army ProfitsFinally it's time to put it altogether. You will upload all your files, test it, and get it running!

By now you have customized your sales page to your choice of affiliate networks, and it's time to upload the files through FTP. FTP what? All FTP means is uploading your files to your website, so I'll show you how to do that with the information your Web Hosting Company provides you. Then you'll get to see how to test your own site and affiliate system to ensure it works before you make it live.

Video #7 - "Call For Backup!"

Affiliate Army Profits

It's time to call for reinforcements! We'll now find affiliates to promote your product to feed the system and for full-throttle automation!

Videos 1-6 showed you how to implement the affiliate program into your product sales page. Now let's take Step 2 of the 2-step process and find business owners that have hungry buyers and prospects looking to grab a piece of your product. It's not as hard as you think, but it requires you to know how to do it right.

So order your copy of 'How To Build An Army Of Affiliates' today in complete confidence! But just before you do, please rest assured that you are backed by a completely risk-free guarantee!..


Okay, here’s the deal.. follow the link below, download your copy, watch the videos and apply the techniques and if you come out of it no better than you are now, I’ll be more than happy to provide you with a full and prompt hassle-free refund.

I’m so confident that you will making money from our techniques that you’ll be thanking me for them! If for any reason you’re not happy with the quality of the videos or for whatever reason, simply forward your transaction receipt me for a quick and painless refund.

The whole reason these reports were created is so that good marketers like you have a chance to better yourself and work smarter by taking the time to improve your business! Order your copy in complete confidence today and I’ll see you in inside!



So...with that said, don't walk, but run. Grab your copy of 'How To Build An Army Of Affiliates' now and take your business to the next level. This is a massive collection of in depth videos on how to create and build your own army of affiliates, that don't go over just the basics like the ones out there today.

Whether you technology phobe, or an experienced marketer, I guarantee that you'll gain some great information from this simple and easy to understand video series.

You don't have to wait. You can view this video immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping, you can still download it instantly.

YES! Let Me Secure My Copy Now!

tick YES Eric! I understand that I will be getting access to 'Affiliate Army Profits' straight after payment.
tick YES! Eric I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take FULL CONTROL of my online business and take it to the next level!
tick YES! Eric I also understand that if I'm not happy with the course or still can't make more money from using it, I can simply ask for a refund even 60 days from now!
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Affiliate Army Profits

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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