An open invitation to any niche marketer who needs good sales letters!...

Do You Struggle to Write a Decent Sales Letter?... Download 100+ ‘Done For You’ Sales Letters to Instantly Cash In on 100 of The Most Lucrative Niches in The World!

Now You too Can Profit in 100 Buyer-Hungry Markets without Hiring a Copywriter or Writing a Single Word Yourself!... This is the Fastest and Easiest Way to Enter ANY Niche without Risk!

Thursday 10th of October
From Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers

Whether you're a blogger, niche marketer, super affiliate, list owner, product creator, copywriter, paid advertiser, eBay seller, or even just a newbie starting out, you'll know the value of good sales copy.

Words have power, meaning and can trigger emotional responses.

It's your job as an intelligent marketer to pick the right words, arrange them in the right order and display it in a way that gets people to buy.

Easier said than done right?

Yes it can be hard if you don't know what you're doing but if you've been online long enough it becomes second nature. You can almost ‘feel’ what works.


In fact... I Pay my Personal Copywriter $328.77 for a SINGLE Sales Letter Just to Free up my Time and Save Me a Headache!...

Getting sales letters outsourced is not cheap. If you've got multiple products in several different niches that you want to put online you'll easily run up a bill of $1000+ in copywriting fees alone.

...And even then, you might still want to tweak it, position it nicely on your sales page and make a few more edits.

This is where this time-saving, headache busting, special offer steps in...

Right now you can get your hands on over 100 professionally written sales letters targeting 100 of the most profitable niches online.

Forget Spending 10+ Hours Writing Excellent Sales Copy or Paying Out $300+ Per Sales Letter to a Professional Writer!...

...Now You Can Get Instant Access to Over 100 Done For You Sales Letters with Personal Private Label Rights to Swipe and Use Immediately!...

Simply Choose Your Niche... Grab a Sales Letter and Start Using Right Away to Make Your Life Easier!...

No Need to Write from Scratch, Spend Hours Researching the Subject... or Bang Your Head Against the Wall...

Your Profit-Pulling Sales Letters Are NOT Just for Selling Products!... There's More Ways to Profit from this Abundance of Words...

Let me give you some real life examples where these done for you sales letters and auto-responders will come in handy...

You want to enter a new niche that you know full well is profitable and marketers are making a killing in but you have no idea how to put together a sales letter or landing page that makes you sound like you know what you're on about.

You've bought private label rights to a bunch of products in various niches but none of them came with a sales letter. Use these swipes as a start to get your products sold!

You want to build a niche list but are still not quite sure what your audience wants or what their problems are. Skim read your sales letters to help you write irresistable squeeze pages that people will happily sign up to.

You want to build a relationship with your readers and been seen as an expert in your niche but you have no clue what to put in your autoresponder sequence. Swipe the bullet points from the sales letters to find out what the main problems are and you'll be able to write a mini lesson around each problem.

You want to promote a product on ClickBank outside of internet marketing and see that it has a high gravity score, plus a recurring back-end. Use the sales letters to help you put together a landing page or pre-sell page to convey a sense of understanding to your visitors and then recommend the ClickBank product.

You plan to use paid advertising and want to create effective text ads and banners that will hit their emotional triggers. Swipe the headlines and sublines from the sales letters to put together an effective ad.

You're near the bottom of the listings on the first page of Google for your keyword or keyphrase and can't seem to rank any higher. Use the powerful text ad from the previous example as your page title to attract more traffic. Anyone who glosses over the first page of results will notice your listing right away!

You want to give your new niche product a name, an identity or build a brand but don't know what to call it or what tagline to use. Use the sales letters to help you come up with a catchy name that even cold traffic can instantly relate to. This alone will make you stand out from the competition and attract more customers to you.

You want to write effective articles to help promote your product but you don't know what the heck to write about. Read through the sales letter and pick out problematic areas that can be easily expanded on in an article. Combine that with an effective title and you'll be churning out fresh new content in no time... or at the very least have a good idea of topics you want to outsource.

You have some idea of what to write, but don't know how to structure your sales letter in an effective way. Use the pre-written sales letters as a template to speed up your progress.

The list goes on...

You're Not Just Getting a Bunch of Sales Letters... You're Getting Access to the Right Combination of Words and Phrases to Help You Profit in the Most Profitable Niches!

Now You Can Unlock this Treasure Box and Tap into a Goldmine of Words to Print Cash on Demand!...

You're getting much more than just 'sales letters'. You're getting the blueprints to over 100 of the hottest niches online that activate the 'buying mode' in your prospects.

You'll be able to enter competitive, even more obscure niches with more credibility and a greater understanding of your market.

Products will be easier to make, email messages will be easier to write, ads will be easier to write, and ultimately your sales will show for it.


***But Wait That's Not All!***

Act Now and Receive 100 Swipe Phrases to Engage, Enhance and Increase Conversions of Every Aspect of Your Sales Letter...

Bonus #1 - Headlines - If you can't get this right, you might as well skip the rest of the sales letter because the headline is the first thing (or the last thing) that a person sees on the page of a sales letter. With a beefy selection of headlines, you will be able to catch your prospect's eye and let the rest of the sales letter do it's magic!

Bonus #2 - Sub-headlines - Double your impact with swipes of sub-headlines. Once the headline has grabbed your reader's attention, the sub-headline will summarize the benefits in such a way that the customer will be hooked reading the rest of the letter

Bonus #3 - Hypnotic openers - 'Dear reader', everything that goes after here should be strong, punchy and packed with details. It's like saying 'once upon a time' and opening up the magic of the beginning of the story. Hypnotic openers will get the ball rolling.

Bonus #4 - High converting bullet points - If you want to lay the ideas out line after line, make sure it counts. This swipe module will give you the tools to convey your benefits at light speed.

Bonus #5 - Persuasive guarantees - If you have difficult customers who just won't buy, give them a very, very, very strong reason why. Guarantee them that nothing will go wrong and there's no risk. Find 100 ways to say it persuasively, niff' said!

Bonus #6 - Benefits - To every customer, it's always 'WIIFM' which stands for what's in it for me? Show them that you mean business by outlining the benefits in different ways.

Bonus #7 - Bonuses - Everybody loves bonuses. Find a hundred ways to say 'I love you' by showing your customers with throngs of mouth watering free gifts that will make them drool at their sides.

Bonus #8 - Call to action closers - You can write a great sales letter, but if you can't clinch the last moment, it will be worth nothing. You need to get your prospects moving and turn them into customers using these call to action closers.

Bonus #9 - The moment of decision - You've reached the final blow so it's time to 'finish it'! These calls to action closers will tip the one sitting on the fence off to the right side ensuring the sale and your continual profits.

Bonus #10 - Powerful post scripts - Ironically, people might skip to the end of the sales letter and this is where you'll catch them with powerful post scripts. P.S. This is a really powerful module!

Bonus #11 - Engaging questions - Questions are really powerful! You may not be sitting in front of the computer watching your customer, but asking questions using in your sales letter is almost as good as being there. Questions engage the prospect and unlocks their mind ensuring that they are interested in what you have to offer.

Bonus #12 - Comparisons - Fancy a little social proof? Nothing is better than showing how good your product is by beating down others. You will look better by comparison and this will skyrocket your perceived value! Use 100 of these comparison words to show your true copywriting power!

Bonus #13 - Killer article titles - Some people think article marketing is not about copywriting. It's not true because if no one reads your articles, nothing gets accomplished. And you want to get people to read yours by getting hooked on your title. This is a really powerful tactic in marketing.

Bonus #14 - Bombastic blog post subject lines - The same as article titles, the blogging apple doesn't fall too far away from the content tree. You need attention grabbing blog post subject lines. People and the search engines will pick it up as well.

Bonus #15 - Email marketing subject lines - Increasing your click through rate starts from the open rate of emails. If you have a compelling email subject line, you will be able to get people to get to your sales letters. We'll show you 100 ways how to pull it off.

Bonus #16 - Follow ups and follow throughs - Customer not buying yet? Send them email after email. It's all in the autoresponder anyway so just putting these in will get people to come back to it over and over again until they buy.

Bonus #17 - Personal branding - If there's one thing you must effectively sell more than anything in the world - it would be yourself (or your company). People write resumes all the time. Blog 'about' pages, Facebook profiles, Twitter profiles, you name it! It's all about you!

Bonus #18 - Getting an idea across - Sometimes you might have that killer idea but you don't know how to get it across. These swipes will guarantee that you will not be at a loss for words when you want to pass the killer idea to your audience.

Bonus #19 - Social media attention grabbers - Are you a Facebook or Twitter junkie? These tweets or post updates will get you to increase your click through rates or get you more 'likes' on Facebook. Especially powerful if you are in to social media.

Bonus #20 - Newspaper ads - Last but not least, these newspaper ad swipes will help you to increase your business. It doesn't matter if you are online or offline, they get the job done. You will have at least 100 of these to get you started.


Don't Let "Writer's Block" and Your Lack of Copywriting Skills Hold You Back Any Longer...

Use this Swipe Chamber of Words to Write Sales Letters Faster and Easier than You've Ever Done Before!

Reduce the time you spend reseaching a niche.

Eliminate outsourcing fees but maintain the quality of work of a professional copywriter.

Easily understand your audience just by skim reading the sales letters.

Attract more traffic, leads and sales into your niche business.

Create timeless ever-green products that don't fizzle-out with the latest trends.

There's nothing stopping you from entering multiple niches at once and creating a steady source of income.

Things just got a whole lot easier... and cheaper too!

Keep in mind that one of these sales letters will set you back $200-$300 if delegated to a professional copywriter. ...And that's just for one!

You're getting access to over 100 easily worth $30,000... and that's being conservative and don't include the planning time with your writer and waiting time for delivery!

You can grab EVERYTHING right now at a tiny fraction of the cost which means ZERO risk to you, confidence to sell in any niche and maximum profit!

...If anything it will cost you more to NOT take advantage of this insane deal!


Don't Wait Any Longer! Grab Your 100 Done For You Sales Letters Now and NEVER Struggle to Write Sales Pages Again!

100 Sales Letters YES Eric! Give me instant access to over 100 Sales Letters worth over $30,000 in the most profitable niches so I can swipe and use these as is for instant profit!
100 Sales Letters YES Eric! Give me another 100 swipe phrases and titles I can use in my sales letters so I can write exciting sales copy that get people to buy!
100 Sales Letters YES Eric! I know I'm protected with a 60-day guarantee. I've got absolutely nothing to lose yet so much to gain just by making a small committment today! Let me place my order now!

Total Value $30,000 ($300 per sales letter)
Grab Everything Now for Only $197

Your Price Only $20!

100 Sales Letters

100 Sales Letters

To Your Success! Eric Morris and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Eric has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Eric is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions, website installation services and coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. This product is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems many entrepreneurs face.

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